Final info on the weekend away! Make sure to have a read through of this - it's also available on the forum.

The Cycling Ireland site was launched yesterday, and is now open for people to register or renew their membership. We've put together a quick guide to submitting your application below, which should help you through the process as painlessly as possible. Following that, you can get your 2014 Orwell membership as well.

The Club Weekend Away is going to be to Mullingar this year, staying in the 4* Annebrook House Hotel, and the format is going to be similar to last year in that we are going to cycle there and back. Click through for all the details!

About 50 members attended the 2013 AGM to mark the close of one season, and the start of looking forward to the next, and for DTC Orwell Wheelers, it's been yet another very successful year.

For those who don't check the forum, details are in this thread. Next Monday, October 7th in the Jesuit Conference Centre in Milltown Park. Update: also added some dates for your diary.

As the club starts preparing for the 2014 season, we put together a list of usual queries to answer some of the regular questions that new and old members have.