An important update for non-members, if you've been taking part in the Sunday spins regularly.

Dave T will be running one of his excellent puncture repair workshops next Monday in Joe Daly Cycles. Bring a front wheel, a spare tube, a set of tyre levers and a pump for your practice, and show up to the shop at 19.00, and he'll teach you everything you need to know. Also a good opportunity to ask him any basic maintenance questions you've always wanted an answer to!

It was great to see so many faces at Joe Daly Cycles yesterday morning on another glorious summer morning, if a little nippy to begin with. Some returning from last week, some from last year and some for the very first time. We wanted to quickly give you some thoughts on the first two weeks. Read on for more!

A coaching talk entitled "How to get the most from your Winter Spins" will be presented by Anthony Walsh of A1Coaching on October 13th. More details below!

A slightly delayed list of prize-winners for 2014, as presented in the Dropping Well on 27th September.

It was great to see so many cyclists, new faces and old friends, at Joe Daly’s this morning for the first weekend of the Winter Spins. We hope you enjoyed yourselves in the decent weather – it’s not always like that. If you're new to the winter spins, or wondering whether you should take part in another one, click through.