
Over the Winter, Orwell Wheelers Cycling Club runs organised weekly Sunday spins which are open to all members from October until March.

A link to this year's spin roster will be published in the sidebar. The roster contains maps to the most likely route, including start point, that will be taken on the day by each group as well as a list of group leaders.

Staggered starts mean that congestion is minimised and groups can get rolling. The Red groups will be leaving at 9:00am, Orange at 9:10, Amber at 9:15 (new for 2024/25), Yellow at 9:20 and White groups at 9:30 sharp.

During the Summer, there are club spins on Saturdays, Sundays (and some midweek nights).



The following are required to participate on these spins:

  • Must be a current club member
  • Hard shell helmet.
  • Road racing bike in good working order (no mountain bikes, hybrids, straight handlebars or tribars).
  • Quick release wheels, or Bolt Thru-Axles.
  • Tyres and brakes must be in good condition.
  • Pump, tyre levers and spare tubes are mandatory for road side repairs.
  • Food, water bottle, money and rain jacket.
  • Youths/juniors can join club spins ONLY IF they have the approval of the Youth Rep. They must have a charged phone, inform the leader that they are a junior and that they have been approved to ride with the group. See the Youth section for full details and requirements.

All Orwell riders are Cycling Ireland members as this covers us from a third party insurance viewpoint. See details about joining and becoming a member at Membership.


Meeting Points

The numbers meeting on Saturday and Sunday mornings are now so large that Joe Daly Cycles' car park is no longer big enough. We will be meeting in car park of the Old Dundrum Shopping Center car park. We meet on the bypass side, behind the shops. LINK to GOOGLE MAPS

There is plenty of room in the car park - please do no stand on the road or block the pay machines.

Please remember that there are businesses operating in this area, so be sensitive to customers parking or accessing the shops if they're open.


Meeting Times for SUNDAY Spins in Winter

9:00am Red Groups

9:10am Orange Groups

9:15am Amber Group (new for 2024/25)

9:20am Yellow Groups

9:30am White Groups

For information on the different groups and their speeds/distances please click HERE


Typical Routes


Bad Weather

Club Winter spins WILL NOT take place if an ORANGE weather warning is in place

If there is a YELLOW weather warning, or other adverse conditions, Club Winter spins MAY NOT take place
In this case, a message will be posted on WhatsApp after 6pm the night before


Keep an eye on the club forum for updates.