The end of season prize night will be taking place in the Blue Light pub, Barnacuilla, tonight. There will be a barbecue, and lots of people with prize money to spend, so a good night is guaranteed! This isn't just for the league racers, all are welcome.

Celeste Marin has departed our shores and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work within the club.

On Monday the 22nd of July, we'll be giving members the opportunity to finally order the newly designed club kit at Joe Dalys from 7pm to 8:30pm. We'll also have a clearance sale on the old kit - read on for more details! Updated with order form (incl. prices).

Orla Hendron has started organising track sessions to help Orwell women get acquainted with the different style of racing, and coaching for tactics. Isabel Cogan kindly took the time to give an account of last week's session...

A few dates for your diary, the club would be grateful if you could take note and keep them free for the future!

The entertainment for Tuesday's Rás fundraiser has been unveiled! We've got a pair of main showpieces to give the lads not just one but two opportunities to impress you, and humiliate themselves.