Celeste Marin has departed our shores and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work within the club., in particular her work with the women's section and the beginners. By our reckoning, Orwell boasts the largest number of women cyclists in the country - we have more women cyclists than some other clubs have members.

She's been instrumental in the women's section across many disciplines, encouraging new members not only into touring but also into racing and audaxes. She took an active part in the Wheelworx Orwell Ladies Crit League, and in recent months could be seen flying around the track in Corkagh Park on Tuesday nights.

Celeste bids adieu with the distinction of being one of the very few crit-racing, audax-hauling, jumper-knitting female cyclists in the nation. We're poorer for her departure, but wish her the best of luck, and look forward to hearing about her adventures with the Princeton Wheelers!