Please complete both sets of instructions below - joining CI and joining Orwell are two separate processes, both of which need to be done by each member.

Cycling Ireland

The Cycling Ireland site was launched yesterday, and is now open for people to register or renew their membership. Unfortunately they seem to be suffering with the volume of applications, as some parts of the process are quite slow to complete.

We've put together a quick guide to submitting your application below, which should help you through the process as painlessly as possible. If you encounter anything other than a delay, please contact Membership Secretary Paraic Morrissey (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with the details of the problem, and he will liaise with CI to resolve it.

Update: CI have a guide online now at

If you are renewing, request a new password at this page. Don't try to log in with your old details, as this seems to cause a lockout. The password activation link may take some time to arrive in your inbox, please be patient.

If you are renewing, but have never registered online with CI before, please contact Paraic at the above address and he can add your email address to your account.

If you are a new member, use the form on this page to create an account.

  1. Once you have successfully logged in, click 'Member'
  2. Check your details are correct, especially the licence type. If you need to know more about what sort of licence you reuire, please see the second question in the CI FAQ. Club should be set to Orwell Wheelers CC, and the Club Membership box should be left blank.
  3. Click 'Next', tick the box to accept the terms and conditions, and 'Submit'.
  4. There will be a delay until you are approved by the club, and you will receive an email alert when this happens.
  5. You must now pay for your licence - log in and click on 'Checkout'.
  6. You will be presented with a list of 'Pending Payments'. If the licence is not here, check back in an hour.
  7. Click 'Pay now' when the licence does appear in the list.
  8. You will be taken to, follow the instructions on the page to complete the payment.
  9. You should see a confirmation page, and receive an emailed receipt from PayPal.
  10. Congrats, you're done!

Orwell Wheelers

We had hoped to include options for Orwell membership within the CI system, but this has not worked out. Please go instead to Orwell Wheelers Membership page. It is a relatively simple process, but follow the below steps if you are unsure.

  1. There are four options with a detailed description of each. Please select the one appropriate to you and click 'Register'. For most people, it will be the first or second options, depending on whether you wish to take part in the club league. Senior refers to any rider over the age of 18, not OAPs.
  2. On the next page, please fill out your details, and click 'Add Entry to Cart'.
  3. You may then register another person to be included in the same payment, or 'Proceed to Checkout'.
  4. The page will display your cart contents and total price. Click 'Continue to Payment'.
  5. Tick the box to agree to the Terms & Conditions, and click 'Pay'
  6. You will be taken to a secure page to complete the payment by credit card.
  7. A confirmation page will be displayed, and two emails with a receipt will be emailed to you.
  8. Congratulations, you're now part of the Orwell family!