About 50 members attended the 2013 AGM to mark the close of one season, and the start of looking forward to the next, and for DTC Orwell Wheelers, it's been yet another very successful year.

Club President Dave Tansey opened with an address, thanking all those have helped in any capacity throughout the year - "too many to mention". Orwell took a plunge with our own club league, but it was definitely a success - no more rolling around at the back of a big bunch, but instead a return to hard racing, with all the extra fitness that entails.

The Randonée was also a phenomenal success for another year, with €3,000 being raised for the Ross Nugent Foundation, and the event being hailed as one of the best sportives in the country.  Our own leisure members were present in every major tour the length and breadth of the country, while Orwell fielded a team in both the men's and women's Rás, a remarkable achievement, and one completed several years running.

This gives lie to the strength and depth of the club, covering all aspects of the sport. Of course it all starts back with the winter spins - welcoming new members, teaching them the basics. This takes a lot of work and commitment, and this year we have dedicated volunteers just to help out novices.

John Lanigan then presented a very professional-looking set of accounts as treasurer, with the club having a healthy net value, though much of the funds are tied up in the new kit order. Once that has been sold and balances paid, the kitty will return to normal. The point was raised that it might be an opportune time to look for additional sponsors, as we are currently solely dependent on Dundrum Town Centre.

Dave McLoughlin and Paraic Morrissey gave some membership figures, with 316 registrations, down from last year's 318, but second only to Lakeside Wheelers in terms of size. That includes nearly 50 youth and Junior riders.

The top table then talked us through the new registration system, the introduction of which was unanimously approved. From 1st November, all memberships will be handled online via the Cycling Ireland website. There will be video clips available to walk people through how to use the site, as well as the information night on November 4th.

All CI fees, club subs, and league fees will be payable using a credit card or PayPal. This will streamline the membership process, making it simpler and cleaner, and far less work for the relevant committee members.

PRO Brian McArdle made a brief plea for people to send him any photos and results during the season, and thanked those who did so during 2013.

The elections for committee positions were then held, with both Dave Tansey and John Lanigan stating they would be staying on for one more year. We thank those who stepped down for their contributions to the club - Denis Gleeson, John Twomey, Diarmuid Collins, Anne Dalton, Eddie Lynch, Ian Mellor, Dick O'Brien and Ciara Kinch.

We wish the incoming members the best of luck: Denis Gleeson, Paul Brosnan and David Hendron all volunteered to join the league committee to help spread the load of race organising. Stephen Ryan took both posts of Leisure Rep and Club Kit Co-ordinator, while Denis Gleeson moved from leisure to racing. David Hendron also took on the role of Track Rep, while National Olympic Triathlon Champ Rachel Glendon will be the sociable face of the club. Nicole Bork will be assisting Louise Nicholls as Women's Reps, and Neal Hudson and Sandra Telford will be handling sponsorship.

And to those hardy souls staying the course, both thanks and good luck! Full list at the bottom.

There followed some discussion about the league, with Eddy Lane and Damien Long offering their thoughts and feedback. They have learned lessons running the first Orwell league, and have minor changes in mind for the next edition. Despite that, there was an abundance of club spirit present throughout the league, with no repeat of previous issues of absent marshalls.

The €50 deposit will be abolished for next year due to admin overheads, to be replaced by a sanction or fine. The league committee hope to hold the club champs in Mondello on an evening with plenty of light to allow a late start, possibly June.

They also asked that people suggest possible new circuits to them - ideally a loop of left-handers, on quiet roads with good surface. Accessibility from Dublin would be good, and safety is paramount.

It was asked that perhaps more road races could be run, but there is an issue of marshalling resources, with about 20 people needed to keep a road race safe, but only a few in Corkagh Park or for TTs. Feedback from the floor was that the league definitely felt safer this year, and served as better training, while the committee repeated their gratitude to those who turned up early to marshall every week.

Denis Gleeson and John Twomey then proposed that some formal structure be put in place to help support club riders at stage races, with some form of roster, and perhaps a club car. There was much of the usual debate, but it was decided to give the committee a budget, and for them to chose the best course of action, rather than having to call an EGM, or wait for the 2014 AGM. A majority vote approved this. As a racing co-ordinator, Denis will liaise with the riders to see how best they can be supported.

Lastly, to mark the introduction of the new club kit, a discount scheme was approved. Every member who signs up for 2014 will have the opportunity to purchase a new jersey with a €25 subsidy. This offer will stand until year end, so make sure to get in before January! The subsidy will also apply if you have already ordered kit; it will be taken off the outstanding balance.

The AGM closed with some interest in the delegate positions for the CI AGM, with positions on the motions to be left up to the delegates after they listen to the debate on the day. If you're interested in attending the CI AGM on 26th October as a club representative, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


DTC Orwell Wheelers 2014 Committee

President: Dave Tansey
Membership Secretary: Paraic Morrissey
Event Secretary: Dave McLoughlin
Treasurer: John Lanigan
PRO: Brian McArdle
League Reps: Eddy Lane, Damien Long, Paul Tansey, Jeni Sheridan, Denis Gleeson, Paul Brosnan, David Hendron
(with assistance from Dick O'Brien and Brian McArdle)
Leisure Rep: Stephen Ryan
Youth Rep: Jeni Sheridan
Women's Rep: Louise Nicholls and Nicole Bork
Track Rep: David Hendron
Social Rep: Rachel Glendon
Sponsorship Co-ordinators: Neal Hudson and Sandra Telford
Child Protection: Kathryn Keogh
Racing Reps: Mags Donnelly and Denis Gleeson
Club Kit: Stephen Ryan