Leisure newsletter

8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #18589 by Leonard Kaye
Leisure newsletter was created by Leonard Kaye
Orwell Wheelers’ Leisure Newsletter
Last weekend was a very busy weekend for both Social and Sportive activities. The god’s of weather favoured the BBQ, on the Saturday, over the Sunday sportive.
Pembroke cricket club was the venue for the well organised Family BBQ/Social event. The children were well catered for with: face painting, bouncing castles and balloon making; while the Pig proved to be a big hit on the Spit; as both: tasty food and a visual novelty. Pictures from the day can be found at

According to Dave Mac; the average club/leisure cyclist would be at their maximum fitness around this time of the year. This related to a conversation when asking Dave’s advice on the best time of the year to attempt a 300km Audax, more on that later.
Earlier in the year 64 ladies, mentored by Ann Horan, set on a journey with the objective of being ‘Bike Fit’ for their goal of getting from couch to the Tour of Meath sportive (TOM) in nine weeks. Well the phrase ‘Twenty Four Seven’ will, forever, have a new meaning for those lady cyclists; as the 24th of July, was the day set for the Tour of Meath. Eventually last Sunday; the dedicated leaders set off with the newbie ladies on a very wet day’s cycling. Nearing the end of the 100 KM cycle, one of the ladies (Claire) was heard to say “I’m an 80km girl doing a 100km cycle. By my estimation Claire was pushing herself 25% beyond her comfort zone. Well done to all the leaders and ladies on a great achievement.
Video of the event at

A full report from Ann is available at www.orwellwheelers.org/leisure/news/1021...he-women-s-beginners.

Leisure League Competition and Randonneur medal
Eugene has been very busy as well as the 389 cyclists clocking up points in the League and 356 posting 140km medal spins. 8 people have completed twelve 140km spins; with one completing 24. I understand Rosie Leavy is exploring a ‘Forest Gump Cycling Award’ for next year. You might remember Rosie from last year’s prize giving. Rosie being the one who was reluctant to give Dave Tansey back his microphone (picture of Rosie attached).

Lots of member interest in the following upcoming Sportives: Tour of Kilkenny, Leinster Loop, Sean Kelly and a big group heading up for the Giant’s Causeway Coast sportive. See the Forum for more details.
OF NOTE Stephen; the word ‘Coast’ is in the sportive title. Stephen was disappointed to hear that you can't see the causeway from the route!! Should that BTW Stephen be a WTF? And yes not forgetting the upcoming GDBR takes place the day after the Giant’s Causeway “Coast” Sportive.
Date for your Diary Sat 24 September Club Prize Giving 7pm (4 Dame Lane), Denis mind the microphone this year, as there might be a new Rosie.
If you have not already done so you can get a Forum login from Eugene at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A 300KM Audax
There might well be a baker’s dozen setting off on the Midlands 300, AKA Orwell ‘One lump’ 300km route (1,716m) next Saturday. While we may have 13 Randonneurs we have as yet no randonneusses (women) who have signed up.
Is there a willing soul who might consider providing road support for this little group of cyclists who Warren Cray described on the forum as Mad B*stards!

Road side or Road sign humour?
Before writing my first Leisure Newsletter I asked Clare (Keogh) for some advice. Clare is a bit of a word smith. You might remember Clare’s poem at the Prize Giving last year.
Clare’s advice was “keep it short and light”. “My hair?” I asked “No the newsletter” Clare replied. Clare went on…, but I was distracted and was not sure what exactly she advised. Reluctant to ask her again, I’ll take a chance on the second bit of advice- she seemed to say “what about a bit of road side humour” or was it road sign humour! Best offer the two pictures to cover my options.
The attached picture collage contains a picture of Clare and her small ice-cream and road signs on the side of the road this week in Co Wexford. In addition, I’ve included a picture of Rosie - with Dave Tansey’s microphone.

If you have a road: side/sign, photo or a leisure story you would like to share with the club please email by return.
That’s all folks.
Interim Leisure Rep,

Leonard Kaye
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Brian Mc.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Tommy Smith, Aoife Ross, Gillian Baker

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8 years 1 month ago #18740 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Orwell Wheelers’ Leisure Newsletter
 Rider Leader Course
 Cathy’s Story
 Audax 300km
 Leisure Competitions
 Great Dublin Bike Ride - Calling for Marshalls
 Orwell Winter Weekend Aaway

Ride Leader Course
Two weeks ago on the 17th July Cycling Ireland (CI) delivered a ‘Ride Leader Course’ for 12 Orwell Club members. The course came about from an offer, from CI, related to last year’s beginner ladies completion of the Great Dublin Bike Ride. CI is willing to run a second course in the near future. I will post more details of the course, e.g. a date, when they get back to me. If you are interested in attending please email by return.
On the course we covered the ‘M’ check, see picture A bit more about that next week.

Here’s a ‘light hearted’ video of some of the day’s activities.

Cathy’s Story -You (we) Can Do It
Last Saturday on a Coffee and Hills’ club spin, over the Wicklow Gap, Cathy O’ Brien, achieved another goal she set herself earlier this year. Here’s some of Cathy story; which well let’s say had a ‘painful’ start.
Saturday 20th Feb saw 14 brave riders set off into a storm from Greystones. The objective of the spin was to reassure a few of the newbie ladies, which included Cathy from the beginners course of 2015, that they were well able for the W100 route and should step up to train for the W200 instead.
The video at
gives you a flavour of the day; it was wet, windy and a very cold experience. The route was the Wicklow 100km circuit. However, it had to cut to 80km because of the weather. Cathy will tell you herself she had to be ‘nursed home’. She remembers the leaders taking turns accompanying her, at a place where we all have been some time, at the back of the bunch. Close to the end I dropped back and asked Cathy was it the legs, or a lack of energy that finally got to you? Cathy replied, “No, it was my ass”.

It was 6 months before Cathy and I were out cycling in the same club spin. And I can tell you I was well impressed. Cathy is a very different cyclist now. I know Kathryn the Coffee and Hills spin captain sent Cathy a What’s App message congratulating her on an amazing spin. I followed up with one myself saying ‘well done on the fitness, that’s a major improvement from our rainy spin earlier this year’ Cathy takes up the story…

“… thanks so much. I realised going back (earlier this year) if I wanted to improve I had to get out and commit and work hard. The ladies course with Orwell is so good that it gives you that step up. (Then this year) The W100 training was faultless and I attended every one and got out twice a week. My goal was to spin out with group 1 and I got to do just that. The W100 was seamless. My next goal was to be good enough for Coffee and Hills group and earn my stripes. I'm in now but I know you have to keep it up or you lose it. But that's the fun part…”

However, there is another bit of the Cathy’s story; on a spin with the hubby Neil.
“Well as you can see from my unofficial W100 spin it didn't go too well and while the weather was bad I knew it was cut short for me, Leonard was just too polite to say so. Home I went with my tail between my legs. I said to Neil that I wasn't getting any better so he said he'd go out with me.

Off to Greystones we went and I was reminded what it's like to be a teenager again with someone nagging in your ear. His shouts of "Pedal Harder," "You're in the wrong gear," "Get up out of the saddle," "Keep going, don't sit down," "you're not trying." This went on all the way home. At one stage I was crying and in my head I was cursing him and I'm pretty sure I shouted "Leave Me Alone". I kept going and eventually he said "you're doing good".

We got home and I fell in the door bawling like a baby. My 15yr old daughter Aisling came running down the stairs asking "Dad what did you do to mum". Through my sobs I told Ash that I was OK, that these were tears of joy as it was the 1st time I really pushed myself, thanks to Neil. With that she gave me a hug and said "you need a wash". So now I got it”.

See Picture: Cathy on the left with Kathryn (Coffee and Hills road captain) checking the stats.

I think Cathy’s story is a great lesson for us all. It could have been a different ending, back last February on that wet and cold, sad, sore ass, day.
Thanks Cathy for sharing the great story.
Here’s some video advice about ‘minding your ass’

300KM Audax
14 Randonneurs and 1 randonneusses set off from Joes at 06:00am on Saturday morning on a 300km randonnée. Our little group have to say; a BIG thanks to Dave Mac who is to opening the shop at 05:30 am; in case anyone needs to: fill bottles, use the toilet, grab some last minute spare tubes, or bars. Fair play Dave.
Now Dave will not always be around to offer this service but you might like to know that FitzCycles in Stillorgan have a road side self-service unit for the purchase of tubes; here’s a picture of the unit.

Leisure League Competition and Randonneur medal
One of the big hits this year is the introduction of the Randonneur Medal Challenge. Already 9 of the 342 participants have earned the title of "Randonneur"; with 11 more sprinting around the last bend to the finsh.
The points’ league is also hotting up with Ken (Moloney) giving a full update see the Forum www.orwellwheelers.org/forum/leisure-pub...week?start=360#18681

Ken says “keep posting the points as…every team member's points make a difference to the team score…”

From our President
Cycling Ireland (CI) are looking for 300 marshals, in total, for the upcoming 60/100km Great Dublin Bike Ride routes. Orwell Wheelers are not the only club being asked. CI would like at least 2 members from a club to attend a training course which will then have to be delivered to the rest of the club team.

For more info see Denis’ forum post

Orwell Winter Weekend Away.
Dates for your diary - Sat/Sunday the 19th -20th. of November. Ann mentioned something about the best dressed jacuzzi body…competition!

Orwell Committee Meeting
There’s a Club Committee Meeting next week; is there anything that you would like me to present at the meeting?

Until next time, that’s all folks
Interim Leisure Rep,
Leonard Kaye

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8 years 1 month ago #18745 by Padraig Cunningham
Replied by Padraig Cunningham on topic Leisure newsletter
Can you give us an email address for expressions of interest on that Ride Leader course?

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8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #18799 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi Pádraig
I have you on the 'Ride Leader' interest list now.

For anyone else that wants to receive the Leisure Newsletter, by email , please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Brian Mc.

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8 years 1 month ago #18972 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter

Four years ago, before I had my present fleet of bikes, a friend of mine completed a 900km cycle on the Camino De Santiago; I was highly impressed with his feat. I remember being captivated when he told me he completed it, over three weeks, cycling about 60 km a day. Recently, however, what made a very different impression on me was Danny Moriarty’s completion of, The Celtic Knot, a distance of 1,000kms in three days. "Chapeau!" to you Danny. The Celtic Knot Audax, www.celticknot1000.com/, is comprised of 4 loops, and 6.500 mts of climbing, all starting and ending in Clara Co. Offaly. Riders return to the start location at the end of each day. Here is a map of the route

If this was the Leisure Cycling ‘Radio Show’ then I might play either of the following requests for Danny. You can take your pick: “Unbelievable” or “Resurrect Me”:

Yes, I admit to some nepotism in my track selection. I promise it’s a once off indulgence!

While not as heroic as Danny’s adventure a group of 14 club members completed the Midlands 300, AKA Orwell ‘One lump’ 300 Audax last Saturday 6th August. We have to thank Dave Mac for being a great mentor to us all; with lots of advice, and a private party at the end. There will be a fuller report(s) about our trip on the Forum.

Here are two videos which give you a flavour of our ‘little’ cycle:

‘The Dolomites are mountains of magic and miracles, where local folklore transforms jagged peaks into the turreted castles of mythical kings, glistening lakes become bewitched pools of dazzling treasure, and howling snowstorms evoke the spittle and fury of ancient spirits.’
Are you getting interested? Well check out Stephen’s post, on the forum, looking for expressions of interest about an Orwell Club trip to the Dolomites in 2017.


Last winter, on a cold wet Saturday morning, five club members cut short a longer spin and had coffee in Enniskerry. During the conversation a ‘drum- up’ was mentioned. The younger member, and some not so young members, had not heard of this cycling endeavour before. So what is a drum up? Simply put a ‘drum-up’ is the Coffee Shop Stop without ‘the Shop’. You brought all that you needed in your saddle bag. Hill walkers do the same.
“These were simpler days with a fire, home-made billy-cans and ex US Army dixies. No lycra or trade jerseys in sight and nobody wore club jerseys unless racing.”
So where is this going? The younger member at the table said “I would love to experience that.” So here you go Rosie; Kathryn (Keogh) and myself will try to set that up before the end of the year.
We are also exploring the possibility of offering two ‘classics’ in one outing; a ‘drum-up’ while reviving another ‘classic’ of latter day cycling. i.e. the ‘Liffey Cycle’. Watch this space for other news of Kathryn’s late night cycling trip trying to dodge the rangers on The Inchavore Cycle.

With 16 Randonneur medals having been achieved already this year; this new addition to the leisure league competition has generated a lot of interest. One club member is attempting to get three, and three more are on their second attempt. The question is has Eugene ordered enough medals with 343 members on the medal journey.
Also, will Ann (Horan) who is 20 points ahead in the Leisure League competition hold the lead with: Diarmuid, Sister (not of the formal religious kind) Helen and Fergal in the chasing bunch? See a fuller report on the forum and remember as Ken says ‘Every point makes a difference so well done to all who nudged their team's score north in the last week’

Check in with Ann Horan for more details- Sat 10th Sept. Kilkenny City.

If you thought cycling was dangerous; then try golf or walking. Best wishes to Lorcan and Clare who are both off the bike, for a few weeks, recovering from incidents related to the other two adventure sports.

• Saturday 24th Sept –Prize giving night - 4 Dame Lane
• Monday 10th Oct. Club AGM – Venue - TBA
• Saturday19th of Nov. Winter Weekend – Goery Co. Wexford

Keep Spinning,
Leonard Kaye, Interim Leisure Rep.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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8 years 1 month ago #19053 by Ian Anderson
Replied by Ian Anderson on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi leonard,
I'd be interested in doing the ride leader course as well.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Leonard Kaye

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8 years 1 month ago #19135 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter

Now you know ‘who loves you baby’! These 2 vigilant LUAS staff apprehended, last Monday morning at 11am, in Abbey Street, this would be bike thief. He was in the process of cutting through a bike lock; when they managed to stop him. Have a look, in the picture,. at what your ‘bike lock’ is up against; the thief’s weapon of choice. .
A friend captured the incident, as it happened, and sent me the picture, I added the arrow.

30 plus Orwell Wheeler members took part in the Leinster Loop (LL) last weekend. Just wondering if there might be a prize for the person who is in the post event pictures with Stephen Roche on the day!
The LL offers five routes from 12km to 130km. It’s a fairly flat route, when compared to our own Randonnee Sportive; with a maximum gradient of 7.9% over hilly terrain. It’s very well organised with plenty of food and a decent goodie bag. The route goes through south Kildare, Laois, Kilkenny and Carlow. I counted at least 5 different Orwell trains on the circuit, with the first one coming home with an average of over 33km/h, well done guys and girls.
Here’s a video of some of the action on the day.

For those who already have a 2017 calendar then keep the 11th - 18th. March free. Why? Because you can treat yourself to a week of: Sunshine, Yoga and, oh yeah, Cycling in Southern Spain. Sinead says you will come back ‘better cyclists: faster and stronger’, Oh and with your tan lines already started. You can get all the details of the trip on Sinead’s website at www.sineadekennedy.com/cycling--yoga-winter-training-camp.html

Check out the following link of reports: from Sarah and Eugene about their experience on trip last year.

Also a forum link with more recent info.

I remember Andrew P, expounding about the amazing: road surface, climbs and exhilarating descents. Andrew did they beat your 74km Leinster downhill experience on the Leinster Loop this week?

It was a bit of a Sierra Nevada experience on our President Denis’ Tuesday spin this week. The YELLOW spin drifted into RED, but not in terms of pace. It was a magnificent day with a well-chosen location for our refreshment stop. Scones and coffee were traded for high dining and wining of the RED kind. Now can anyone guess the name of the foodie who had a glass of ROJO with their Full Irish Breakfast? Answers on the Forum please.

Denis’ Tuesday morning spin is suitable for cyclists who are comfortable cycling at a fast yellow pace.

While it’s not perfect; Orwell Wheelers have been using, and tweaking, a colour-coded system of sorting riders into different groups; based on estimated distance and average speed, e.g. Denis’ Yellow spin. It may be helpful for new members, i.e. the 2016 lady beginner group, to become familiar with the colour coding system as they progress from the Group 1-2-3 system they have been using.

Average speed: 20-22kph
Distance: 50-80km
There are Orwell Leaders and minders to help newcomers into group riding.
Average speed: 22-24kph
Distance: 60-80km
There will be leaders but riders should have a feel for the sport and are confident on the bike, in a group and able to move efficiently before a break.
Average speed: 24-26kph
Distance: 70-100km
This is a self-led by the group

Average speed: 26-30kph
Distance: 70-120km
This is a self- led group; that can split into a sportive red, and a racing red.

This link to the forum gives fuller details on the various spins. www.orwellwheelers.org/sunday-spins/spins-which-group

A bit of ‘coloured’ banter appeared on the Orwell Leisure Group WhatsApp thread last year; as the new ladies slotted in the various winter spins, on offer, after their GDBR. Some of the ladies, no names no scandal – ‘Kim’, who were progressing from the White category to Yellow, suggested a lighter Yellow spin coded as; Elephant’s Breath. While others offered MiWadi as an alternative suggestion. I assumed they were talking about MiWadi orange; the Irish soft drink brand. I, however, have since discovered that MiWadi offers this soft drink in many colours/flavours: blackcurrant, lemon, lime, and orange & pineapple, apple & strawberry, peach & mango and tropical fruits quashes, with additional flavours produced on a seasonal basis, such as peppermint, and clove.
‘MiWadi Clove’, now that might have been confusing! It’s over to you Kim to help the new ladies slot into ‘appropriate colours’ before the winter spins begin.

Team GB; sorry Team Purple are leading and ahead of Team Pink by only a margin of 19 points. While Ann H is 9 points ahead of sister Helen who is on 100 points in the individual competition. However every one of the 345 can be a winner in the pursuit of a Randonneur Medal. 60 people are already over the half way mark of six 140 spins. See Ken’s full report at

Our Kim mentioned above is recovering from being knocked off her bike recently by a car. Here’s giving a big GET WELL SOON Kim and let’s see you back on that new RED carbon Sleigh purchased just before the accident.
Please post captions to accompany the picture, Lorcan posted, concerning his ongoing recovery from his recent accident.

And finally best wishes to all those who are participating in The Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford; which is celebrating its 10th edition this year.

Keep Smiling and Spinning,
Leonard Kaye, Interim Leisure Rep.

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8 years 3 weeks ago #19338 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

Here is the Leisure Newsletter; I'm trying out a new format, using dropbox - hoping it is better for small mobile devices.

Just click on the link


Cheers Leonard

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8 years 2 weeks ago #19436 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

Click on the link below to access this week's Leisure Newsletter; I hope this method it is working for you all!


Cheers Leonard
The following user(s) said Thank You: Barry Higgins, Gillian Baker

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8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 week ago #19552 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi All


Just copy the link and view this weeks Newsletter in DROPBOX



For those not riding the Great Dublin Bike Ride, the IVCA's West Wicklow 100k tour provides an alternative and challenging spin this weekend.

The tour takes place on Sunday, 11th September, with a brand new route taking in Blessington Lakes, Hollywood, Dunlavin and back via Eadestown and Kilteel. There will be a tea-stop in Dunlavin.

This year’s event will start from the AstroPark on the Greenhills Road, Tallaght.

Sign-on is from 8.30 am, with a 9 am start. Entry fee is €10
Last edit: 8 years 1 week ago by Leonard Kaye.

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8 years 1 day ago - 8 years 1 day ago #19710 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

Just click on the link below to see this week's Newsletter via Drop Box.


This week’s Leisure Newsletter contains reports on the: Giants Causeway Coast Sportive, and the Great Dublin Bike Ride, I've attached links to videos of both events.

If you wish to receive this Newsletter by email then sent request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Interim Leisure Rep.
Last edit: 8 years 1 day ago by Leonard Kaye.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire, Simon Kelehan, Tommy Smith

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7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #19838 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

This week’s Newsletter has a focus on the, leisure elements of the, Prize giving night last Saturday.

Just click on the link below to see this week's Newsletter via Drop Box.


Here is a compilation of photos form last Saturday's prize giving night published on Utube.

You can also download individual photos from the following DropBox link



ooops - sorry about the error it was Sinead not Louise
"Paul, our MC, invited Louise, Sinead AKA Snow White, to share some of her 300km story; did I hear Louise SInead mention EPO?"

Interim Leisure Rep.
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by Leonard Kaye.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #19941 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

This week’s Newsletter has a focus on the winter spins.

Just click on the link below to see this week's Newsletter via Drop Box.


Video and a web site referenced in the Newsletter


Interim Leisure Rep
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by Leonard Kaye.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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7 years 11 months ago #20031 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

To view this week’s leisure Newsletter- just click on the link below.

Interim Leisure Rep
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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7 years 11 months ago #20030 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

To view this week’s leisure Newsletter- just click on the link below.

Interim Leisure Rep

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7 years 11 months ago #20089 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

To view this week’s Leisure Newsletter- just click on the link below.


Leisure Rep
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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7 years 10 months ago #20134 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

The Leisure Newsletter for Oct 21st can be viewed by clicking on the Dropbox link below.


Leisure Rep
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire

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7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #20217 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
Hi all

The Leisure Newsletter for Oct 29th - click on the Dropbox link below.


Leisure Rep

Next Newsletter in TWO WEEKS TIME
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by Leonard Kaye.

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7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #20224 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
There seems to be a problem with the Newsletter DropBox link this week. Here is a PDF version

File Attachment:

File Name: 29thOct.pdf
File Size:1,732 KB

Leisure Rep.
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by Leonard Kaye.

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7 years 10 months ago #20450 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Leisure newsletter
The LEISURE NEWSLETTER can be viewed in the attached PDF File.

File Attachment:

File Name: 18thNov.2016.pdf
File Size:2,042 KB

And the Video of the Kingsmountain Audax can be seen at

Leisure Rep

Next Newsletter in TWO WEEKS TIME
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kevin Connaire, Andrew Potts

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