Wicklow 100 and 200

8 years 3 months ago #17370 by Robert Edge
Replied by Robert Edge on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Hi Greg,

Would our group be best to start with Garret and see how things go?


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8 years 3 months ago #17371 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Hi rob
Would imagine gregs group is the perfect fit to go out in main dark yellow to mid orange group.
All welcome
The following user(s) said Thank You: Robert Edge

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8 years 3 months ago #17372 by Greg Farrell
Replied by Greg Farrell on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Yep, I'd agree with Garret.

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8 years 3 months ago #17373 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
See gregs number in post above. Also gregs van colleague will be Dave Collins no 087 9956563
If you get a mechanical on Sunday your 1st attempt should be to fix it yourself or seek help from marshals etc.
The van is there as a back up but with 150+ Orwell cyclists they may not be able to help with every issue.
Also the primary job of the car is baltinglass food and tea/coffee and carrying spare clothes to rathdrum for people if they want spares on the day. They will naturally help on mechanical support if time allows.
Perhaps both Aishling and Colm Agnew who will man the car could post up their numbers here so people can save them for the day itself.

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8 years 3 months ago #17376 by Peter Morrissey
Replied by Peter Morrissey on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
I have a W200 ticket see my details in a post above.

Regards, Peter

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8 years 3 months ago #17378 by Robert Edge
Replied by Robert Edge on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Hi Garret,

Thanks for this, see you then. Depart time approx. 7.30?? I'll be there much earlier than this as I will be wide awake at 5am!!


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8 years 3 months ago #17381 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Hi rob
meet up times etc in this thread on previous page...715 meet up for 730 depart
The following user(s) said Thank You: Robert Edge

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8 years 3 months ago #17385 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Number for Aishling in the Car
Thanks Aish...Colm Agnew's number tbc.

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8 years 3 months ago #17386 by Cormac Kissane
Replied by Cormac Kissane on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Peter, thanks a lot I will take that ticket
What's your mobile number, I'll give you a ring and work out best way to get it


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8 years 3 months ago #17390 by Peter Morrissey
Replied by Peter Morrissey on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
086 8378338. Regards, Peter

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8 years 3 months ago #17419 by Colm Agnew
Replied by Colm Agnew on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
My Mobile Number is 086-2569773

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8 years 3 months ago #17422 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
okay so we're getting close to the biggest cycle of the year for a lot of us and it more than likely will be the biggest representation of Orwell cyclists on 1 road for 2016! Last year we had 129 Orwellians doing the W100 and W200...how many for this year??

In Bullet Points:
-200km 2750m of climbing.

Car-Colm Agnew and Aishlng O'Connor (numbers on this thread). Main job for the car will be to collect bags with clothes, food etc in Greystones at 715am. Then they'll head to Baltinglass and set up the Orwell food stop with some tea, coffee, cakes, sambos etc. After that they'll head to Rathdrum to park at the W200 official food stop and have bags with change of clothes etc.

Van-Greg Farrell and Dave Collins(numbers on this thread). Main job will be support for the day. 1st port of call should always try to fix the problem yourself 1st but it it's a problem that needs further help the van is there. It should have some tools, tires, tubes etc etc. Anything used on the day can be settled up in Joe Daly's.

Wickow 200 Medical and Bike Assistance
On your official card you've received in the post
Medical 0868621831
Bike Problems 0874147210

-New Comer Groups
4 groups of W200 newbies organised by Ger, Rodney, Colm, Gerry, Dave, Leonard, Warren, Colm, Colm and a few others...You all know your leaders and group times etc to meet up.

-Old School Orwell Groups
Light Yellow with Andrew Potts, Tom Weymes etc
Estimated cycling Time 8-830hrs

Darker Yellow to Medium Orange with Garret Connolly, Billy Parker and others. This will cover most of the W200 cyclist. Estimated time 730-8hrs

Darker Orange and Above. Estimated Time 7-730hrs. Leaders TBA on he day.

Meet up points for most of the groups 715am Greystones carpark for depart 730am.

Eating: Everyone is different but I'd recommend a bar/banana/figroll per hour min. Make sure you open the bars at the top before starting the event for easy access.

Drinking: As above everyone is different but a basic rule of thumb should be 2-3 sips every 20-20-30mins on flat and 2-3 sips every 1-1.5km when climbing.

Eat and drink plenty at each food stop. Keep a gel or 2 in reserve for last 1/3 if needed.

The Full Route from last year

Section 1 Greystones to Baltinglass 0-79km distance
Main bits to keep an eye on:
-Greystones to Long Hill/Callary 0-11km Gradually climbing but nothing to worry about.
-Long Hill 11km-15km. We've all done this a 1000 times. No bother to the lot of yis 4km 5% average. Take it nice and easy.
-Sugar Loaf to Laragh. Like the Long Hill we all know this road. Time to get in a group and fly along to Laragh. I'd recommend regrouping at the Sugar Loaf and set off as a group doing up and overs. About 20km mostly flat or marginally down hill and if there is a tailwind this will be a quick spin.
-Laragh to top of Wicklow Gap. 36-43km mark 7km long approx Steepest bit is at 1/2 way for 8-10% but levels to 4-6% for 2nd half.
1st Challenge of the day. Go easy on this...ideally 75% of your max if you can. Soft pedalling time if you can. Every bit of energy used on the Wicklow Gap will be missed later on. In other words keep the bike moving with as little effort as possible. If you're not able to have a conversation with the person beside you on the Wicklow Gap you're going to fast!
-If it's raining at this point stop at the top and put a jacket on. Eat something and Drink something.
-Wicklow Gap descent 7.5km long 43-51km approx.Easy descent with little or no turns. A steady -3% descent.
-Hollywood Hill 54-57km approx. Nothing to worry about again. Just set a nice easy tempo and save your legs. Like the Wicklow Gap it's all pace up this hill.
-EXCELLENT REGROUP POINT!! Petrol Station after Hollywood Hill Descent 59km. This is the start of a flat 20km until we get to Baltinglass. Pull over and wait or push hard to catch up and get into a group at this point.
-Petrol Station to Baltinglass 59km to 79km. Flat and easy road if you're in a group. If you do this on your own into the wind it could take 1 hour. If you get into a group that works using up and overs it will take you 1/2 the effort in 30mins.
-Balttinglass Food Stop. W200 organisers will put on a great food stop that has come on leaps and bounds since 2012-2013. However the car with Colm and Aishling should be here with tea coffee, some food etc. Use the toilet here even if you don't want to. The next official toilet is at the Rathdrum food stop 3 hours later.

Section 2 Baltinglass to Rathrum...into the Wild Hills of Wickow! 79-144km
This on paper is the toughest section of the day. Highlights include:
-It's quite lumpy and can be a bit leg sapping but if you stay in the Orwell peleton it will fly by. This is a great section for Orwell banter.
-The real climbing starts at 114km where you meet the fake Sliabh Mann. 114-116km 5%. This is NOT Sliabh Mann!! Immediate descent 116-119km. Once you hit the bottom...the real climbing begins.....
-Sliabh Mann 119.5-122.5km. Iconic climb. Get into the easiest gear you have and pace yourself up. The steepest bit is the 1st KM and it does level off to 6-8% for bits. Pace pace pace...stop at the top and take a short break, grab a drink, bar etc. Good time to slag Aidan Hammond off as he's usually here handing out water....ask him how come he never cycles the w200?
-Sliabh Mann descent. Fairly straight forward just stay safe and allow the legs to recover. Try to keep rolling your legs lightly around as you don't want them to be too asleep when you reach the bottom and Shay begins straight away.
-Shay Elliot 127-130km 8% approx. Icon of the cycling world. Just get into an easy gear and make your way up without killing yourselves. The 1st 1km hurt the hardest but the last 1km it's 5-6km and doable. Again stop at the top and have a drink , bar etc. Time to catch your breath...Give yourself and Chapeau...you're doing great.
-Shay Elliot descent about 4km. 1st 1/2 of descent is pretty straight forward but for the last 1km the road is not great so stay safe and nice and easy. As you get close to Laragh road the road will swing to the right and you may need to stop at the marshall. The left hand side of the road isn't great so stay close to the middle of the road while paying attention for on coming cars.
-Bottom of Shay Elliot descent to Rathdrum food stop.135-144km Stop and regroup at bottom of Shay Elliot descent and up and over to Rathdrum. Only 9km but rough road and a bit lumpy...way easier in a group.

Section 3 Rathdrum to Greystones
Car should be here all going according to plan with change of clothes etc for those who gave a bag in in Greystones. Unless your completely insane do NOT leave Rathdrum on your own!!
Main Bits
-Rathdrum to Avoca-145-155km time to roll in a group...easy up and overs
-Avoca Climb 155km-159km...the unofficial 'glory hill'. It's a this point you'll know how you're pacing has been. If you get up this climb with ease you've nailed it...if you're pedalling squares....oh oh...
-Top of Avoca Climb-EXCELLENT REGROUPING place!
-From Avoca Climb 163-169km up and down section. Just dig in and get over them...from the end of the last climb here is plain sailing!
-197km climb through Kilcoole...cruel for it to be at the end...It's not normally even a hill but if you're legs are tired it can hurt. My 1st W200 I badly misjudged the pacing and bonked here badly and had to walk up this hill. Just dig deep and get to the post office around 500m after the start of the town and you're on the way home!
-Kilcoole to Greystones....the roll in...if you've been cycling with a good crew all day long and hopefully you will....do NOT suddenly start to think attack! It's been a team effort and you've started together so finish the god damn thing together!
Chapeau you've done it!! Eat some food, grab your medal and cert!

Social Night!
The most important part of the Wicklow 200 day is to celebrate it with friends at the post w200 social night organised by Ann Horan...don't veg there on the sofa with bike brain and a rumble in the tummy...get up and get some grub...have a drink and debrief each other on a great day out...

That's about all I can think of...get the pace right and the rest will follow...enjoy guys...see you at 715am!!

The following user(s) said Thank You: Stephen Downey, Angela Halpin, Donal O'Connor, Warren Cray, Dave Hesnan, Gillian Baker, Shauna Whelan, Barry O'Brien

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8 years 3 months ago #17423 by Gillian Baker
Replied by Gillian Baker on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Feeling 'a little bit left out' ;-)
May I also add that there is a WW100 group, led by the wonderful Derek, Christine, Kathryn & Stephen. There's about 15/20 eager beavers & for some they will be completing their first ever 100km!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Donal O'Connor, Stephen Kerr

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8 years 3 months ago #17424 by Garret Connolly
Replied by Garret Connolly on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
There certainly is. A great day too. The list of highlights above can be used for w100 too. When you get to laragh you head straight to rathdrum about 10-11km of rolling roads and then it's the same as section 3 of the w200.
Best of luck to all the w100 crew! Have a blast and mark down the 1st Sunday of June 2017 as your 1st w200!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Stephen Kerr, Gillian Baker

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8 years 3 months ago #17429 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Thanks for the great steer Garret.

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8 years 3 months ago #17433 by Cormac Bracken
Replied by Cormac Bracken on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Leaving it late, but if anyone else has a spare w200 entry let me know.


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8 years 3 months ago #17434 by Nick Appleby
Replied by Nick Appleby on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Handy tips, Garrett! I've half a mind to print it off and tape it to my top tube.

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8 years 3 months ago #17436 by Robert Edge
Replied by Robert Edge on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Thanks very much Garret. Superb tips! See everyone tomorrow morning!

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8 years 3 months ago #17441 by Brian Mc
Replied by Brian Mc on topic Wicklow 100 and 200

Special thanks to Colm & Sarah drivers of the support car in today's wicklow 200. I was stranded and they assisted and got me and my bike back to the start. Much appreciated.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Warren Cray, Andrew Potts, Shauna Whelan

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8 years 3 months ago #17442 by David Claes
Replied by David Claes on topic Wicklow 100 and 200
Big thank you to the car and Van crew. It's a brilliant service!
Big shout out too to the gang I spent most of the day with (Shane, Donal, John, Stephen, Ronan et al) and who waited at the top as I struggled up Slieve Maan and Shay Elliot. Great team spirit!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Robert Edge

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