The time has come to update your wardrobe for summertime. And because it's summer in Ireland, we'll be adding the rain cape and Hydra mk2 into the mix!

The next order for the casual clothing will be going in Thursday morning so you have until end of day Wed to get your orders in.

With the Velorevolution kit order now delivered to everyone, Kit Rep Michael Hanley is running a VR Orwell Kit Photo Competition. Details on the competition and prizes on offer are here.

Great news! The Velorevolution order has arrived (and technically delivered to the “mid-February” estimate!). In addition there will be the chance to try out the casual gear too on the night.

Following on from last October's hugely successful Fundraiser for Keith Harte, Keith has posted the following message of thanks and progress, accompanied by a video of the day thanks to Eileen Byrne.

Orwell Wheelers were proud to launch its partnership with SCOTT Cycles on Monday January 25th in 'The Cavern' on Baggot Street.