The 2017 Summer BBQ will take place in Wanderers Rugby Club on Sunday 29th of July. Please see this article for purchase of tickets.

The online shop is now open again to take orders for summer kit.

Scott-Orwell Wheelers will be holding The Introduction to Group Cycling for Women 10 Week Program again in 2017. We are hoping that this programme will be as successful as it was the last two years.

The club will be holding a fundraising table quiz on Friday 7th April in Murphy's Pub, Rathmines at 7.30pm.

Last Sunday saw the sudden and tragic death of Tonya McEvoy, who joined Orwell less than a year ago but left a lasting impression with her passion and joy on the bike. Over the last week, we have been inundated with messages of support and expressions of sympathy from clubs and individuals in the cycling community and beyond.

It was with great shock and deep sadness that we lost Tonya McEvoy on a Sunday spin yesterday. Tonya started as one of our talented beginner women last summer and took to club cycling with a passion. Her sister said that "cycling was a big part of her life and she loved every minute of it".

Our deepest condolences are with her family - her parents Pat and Brian, her brothers Brian and Keith and sister Ciara. We remember also her friends and close clubmates, and thoughts to those also who were with her at the time of the accident.

Funeral details below, with a message from Denis.