As the Winter Spins are bedded in & guests have found their groups, as membership is about to open and as we take a two week break from official club spins, we put together a list of usual queries to answer some of the regular questions that new and old members have. If there is something not answered here please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Orwell Wheelers are a cycling club based in Dundrum, with members who like to cycle for leisure and competition. Over the winter we meet every Sunday at Joe Daly Cycles to spend a morning cycling.

How do I join?

There are two steps to joining - you must join Orwell Wheelers as a club, and also the national governing body, Cycling Ireland (CI). Membership for 2015 will be available from 10th November 2014. Membership registration is entirely online.

But I want to join in on the winter spins - do I have to be a member?

If you have never held a CI licence, you are entitled to three trial spins, and will be covered by CI insurance but you must register online with us first - at this link.

Most guests have by now had their 3 spins and so must join if they wish to continue coming out.

Please make sure to read up on the winter spins before coming along: Club Spins Overview and Etiquette and Technique.

Do I need a competition licence to take part?

No, for the winter spins, a basic CI licence is all that's required.

I'm confused, and not sure which licence I need, or if I want to start racing.

Come along to our club info night on Monday 10th November in Ballinteer Community School! Replacing the club membership night (because it's all online now), we'll have a night for members old and new to come along and chat. It's a social occasion, but also a chance to have any questions answered by committee members, or chat to like-minded people. Thinking about taking on the Marmotte? Want to get into racing? This is your chance to talk to someone who's done it all before!

If your query is more urgent, and not answered on this page, you can get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How do I buy jerseys and other club gear?

Kit orders are put in around three times a year, and can take between 2 and 4 months to arrive. So an order for winter kit is placed in July, and racing kit early in the New Year. There is a stock of spares kept in Joe Daly Cycles - please bring cash to pay for these.

The next opportunity to see and order kit will be on the Info night on November 10th in Ballinteer Community School. We're running a special offer - buy any top or bottom and get a free neck buff or pair of socks courtesy of Spin11.

It'll also be the first chance to check out and order the new Orwell bidons - €4 for either the 500ml or 750ml bottle.

What’s the forum and how do I join it?

The forum is a page for Orwell members to chat about various club-related issues, and more! A login is automatically generated for each member, which is your full name. You can use your email address in this form to set your password. You can then access to post and read the forum.

If you have any problems, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All forums bar one are publicly viewable, and posts will be moderated if deemed offensive.

What’s the story with the weekend away – can I come if I've only just joined?

All members are welcome on the weekend away, but you should be able for the ride out and back, or indeed you are welcome to drive if unsure. At the moment the hotel is fully booked but there is space in local B&Bs and there is space for the evening dinner. Please see the forum thread for more information, or contact the social rep if you have further questions.

What's is the Gerry Brannigan Memorial?

This is a charity cycle that the Irish Road Club run, and with which Orwell assist. It takes place this year on Sunday 9th November, and you can find out more about the cycle at this page.

On that Sunday we will have no organised spins from Dundrum. Some of our new people who have joined us on the Sunday spins during October have expressed interest in taking part in the event. It starts at the Grasshopper Inn in Clonee, and everyone is welcome. Entry is €20. If you have never taken part in this type of event before or have limited experience in cycling longer events at a steady speed it would be a good idea to consider doing the 35km route. There will be no official group leaders like the normal Sunday spins however as the route will be marshalled all you need to do is link up with some of the other new riders you have cycled with over the last few weeks in the car park following registration and enjoy the event.

If you decide to take a break next weekend we look forward to seeing you on Sunday the 16th in Dundrum as normal.

I'm a Junior/Youth - does this make a difference?

Yes. Please read the Youth page on the web site before your first cycle, and make yourself known to the spin leader.

I’ve never ridden in a group – what do I do?

If you have never cycled with a Club or within large groups before, you will need to ride with one of our Introductory Groups first time out. When you register online you will be told which group and who the leader is. We have two levels on the designated days , a white / yellow one for most people and an Orange / Red one for the stronger but inexperienced rider. Ensure you are at Joe Daly's shop at the time shown in the email you will get when registering.

This year we will have designated support for novices. Before setting off, please approach one of these, or the spin leader, and let them know you are new to group riding - they can then teach you the basics of up and overs, how not to half-wheel, etc.

If you are a woman, the women's section are running a course of introductory spins. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

Read this to help prepare yourself: Etiquette and Technique.

I want to ride sportives - to whom do I talk?

Stephen Ryan is the Leisure rep - you can e-mail him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can can also read about all things Leisure on the Leisure pageYou can be assured that there is a large contingent of leisure riders in Orwell who travel the length and breadth of the country and beyond to ride every major sportive, and a lot of the minor ones. 

I want to race straight away, can I?

Races happen at two main levels - club and open. You cannot race at either level without a licence. One day licences may be available early in the season, but if you intend to race for the year, you should join CI and take out a licence for the year when joining the club.

The club league is an ideal place to start racing, as the first races are run on a closed track in Corkagh Park, progressing to road racing, and also including time trials (TT), a team TT, and a hill climb TT. Only Orwell members may race, which makes for a more supportive atmosphere, and you can ask clubmates for tips and advice.

Open racing happens all over the country nearly every weekend from roughly mid-February until late September, and is open to anybody with an open licence. If you have any further questions, please come along to the club night on 10th November!

Some Orwellians cycling in Kerry earlier this year