Volunteers needed for Cycling Testing 18-35y males

13 years 10 months ago - 13 years 10 months ago #1197 by Emma Convey
Stephen Mc Aleer is a qualified physiotherapist and is undertaking an MSc. in Sport and Exercise Medicine in TCD. Part of the course is that they have to undertake a thesis and carry out some piece of research.

" My research is titled "To identify the effect of unilateral neuromuscular fatigue on symmetry of work load in the lower limbs in cycling." For this I will need 12-14 male (sorry ladies!) volunteers between 18-35 years of age.

I can't include ladies in the study as it requires a whole host of additional requirements for ethical approval that would really slow down the whole research, so sorry again ladies!Basically the study is trying to gauge differences between right and left leg power output in trained cyclists via a Wattbike. We will then fatigue the right leg to see if there is a change in the respective power outputs between the right and left legs after one limb has undergone fatigueThe study will require volunteers to come into the laboratory in Trinity on three separate non-consecutive occasions.

1. On the first day a graded incremental test will be performed to ascertain each participant's maximum power output (Pmax) which will be needed as part of the actual testing itself. This will be maximal testing and participants will have been medically cleared before participating by a doctor onsite.

2. On the second day, participants will cycle on a Wattbike for a duration of five minutes at a load equivalent to 60% Pmax. The Wattbike will detect differences between power output from each leg during cadence. Participants will then perform isokinetic exercise on an isokinetic dynamometer to fatigue their right leg. This will include 30 repetitions of concentric and eccentric knee extensions to induce fatigue. Participants will then return to the Wattbike and cycle again for five minutes at a load equivalent to 60% of Pmax and the respective workloads of each leg relative to the overall workload and power output shall be reassessed.

3. The third day will see the same protocol as day two repeated but only at 80% Pmax rather than 60% Pmax.The research data will be collected from late January/early February onwards and over a duration of 2-3 months. The three days do not have to be consecutive and I will be extremely flexible to fit in people at a time that suits them for their testing days. Each testing day will take around one hour.

Benefits for volunteers are as follows;

1. Free graded incremental testing costing 60-80 Euro! Included in the data will be VO2 max, max power output at Vo2 max, blood lactate measurement at incremented workloads, heart rate measurement at incremented workloads, lactate threshold, respiratory exchange ratio, pulmonary ventilation and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen. Height, weight, body fat percentage, BMI, lung function tests and blood samples will also be taken to give a global account of the participants current physical status for their sport. Advice will be given regarding training from all the respective data which will help for the forthcoming season and competition preparation.

2. A full physical examination by a qualified doctor free of charge. This is to screen if the volunteer is fit for maximal testing. If any untoward findings in this examination are discovered, volunteers will be confidentially advised and possibly referred onto relevant specialist care for further assessment. Very useful for athlete peace of mind regarding their ability to train and compete at a high level.

3. Assessment of discrepancy between right and left legs during their normal cycling pattern. This may help to discover potential areas of weakness in one side relative to the other and could potentially direct future training within a strength and conditioning setting. It may also divulge technical discrepancies which may be relevant to the participants.

As I said, testing will not start until probably the beginning of February but it will hopefully be a mutually beneficial study to participate in. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any further questions and I will hopefully see you soon!"

You can contact Stephen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by Emma Convey.

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