Tonight is the first round of the Orwell Women's Crit League, opening with a 10TT at Batterstown. It's a flat, simple out and back course - perfect to give time trialling a first try!

Riders will start at 19.01, setting off at 1 minute intervals. Check your time in the attached sheet - Juniors are first, then it's alphabetical.

Parking: Black Bull lay-by (map)

Sign-on: along the R154 at the TT start point (map). Sign-on 5mins before you start time - don't miss your slot!

There is space at sign on to park, but please don't. Batterstown is a well-raced area, and parking at sign-on causes the residents to complain further.


It's a 16km/10m out and back time trial. There is a marshalled roundabout at the halfway point, but there will be no other marshalls on the course.

Cost: €5 per event, or €25 for all six if you pay up front. Pay at sign-on, and please bring exact amount where possible.

Licence: you must have at least a limited competition licence to take part. Please bring this with you to sign-on. No licence, no race. If your licence is pending, please bring a print-out of the email from CI, or a copy on your smartphone. There are no one-day licences available.


  • All riders must obey the rules of the road at all times. The roads will not be closed, and only the roundabout will be marshalled. Keep your eyes on the road ahead, not on your front wheel.
  • All riders must have at least a rear light.
  • No warming up on the course.
  • Aero bikes and equipment are allowed.
  • Club kit (including skinsuits) is preferred, or else plain kit.
  • No drafting. If you catch another rider check that there is no traffic coming up behind you before pulling out, and give them loads of room as you pass. Remember they may have no notion that you're steaming through until you have actually passed them.
  • On the other hand, if you are caught, keep on going at your own pace, don't be tempted to try sit on to the rider who has passed you.
  • When you cross the line, shout out your number (i.e. the minute of your starting time). Without your number, the time-keepers cannot record a time for you.
  • Please don't hassle the timekeepers for your time - there's no problem asking, but make sure to do it at a time when there aren't any riders coming in.
  • There will be no toilet facilities available. Anyone caught urinating in public will be disqualified.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any queries.


19:01 Fay Aoife
19:02 Kaye Mellor Rachael
19:03 Sheridan Naoise
19:04 Barry Aishling
19:05 Carroll Giolla
19:06 Convey Emma
19:07 Darley Ronan Lisa
19:08 Finn Tania
19:09 Fiona Walsh
19:10 Gallagher Silvia
19:13 Grieve Natalie
19:14 Horan Breda
19:15 Horan Ann
19:16 Horan Helen
19:17 Keenan Aideen
19:18 Kennedy Roisin
19:19 Keohan Paula
19:20 Kerrane Helen
19:21 Mahon Emily
19:22 Marconi Monica
19:25 Martinez Caroline
19:26 May Una
19:27 McBride Aine
19:28 McEntee Claire
19:29 Murray Cliona
19:30 O'Connor Aishling
19:31 O'Connor Siobhan
19:32 O'Malley Martina
19:33 O'Reilly Eimear
19:34 Stephens Niamh
19:35 Telford Sandra