Enda Smyth in record form at the Paralympic World Championships in Manchester

Smyth in record form in Manchester

Manchester, England, 7-8 November 2009

Current Olympian and long time Irish team member Smyth showed that motivation remains strong as he set two Irish records in a very successful event for the Irish squad. The CP4 athlete lowered his own Kilometre TT mark to 1m15.157s on his way to sixth place on Saturday.

On Sunday he raced to seventh place in the 4km pursuit, coping well with the one kilometre longer distance introduced this year to record a time of 5m18.048s.

Read Enda's excellent reports on the event:

Part 1: The closest yet is no disappointment 
(The Kilo)

Part 2: Controlling the controllables 
(The 4km Pursuit)