It's been a week of glorious sunshine, and last night's league race benefited, with all groups flying around the course at top speed. In the end, Limit were the group of the day, staying away until the close with strongman Seamus Nolan romping home for the win.

With the Limit groups swollen by the wonderful weather, a group of fifteen set off first, with an even larger Semi-limit group of sixteen following. A mere seven Semi-scratch riders chased, and finally, 6'45" behind Limit, another seven set off in Scratch.

The pace was monstrous across all groups, with Scratch recording faster than 42 kmph average from their coterie. They bore down on Semi-scratch after a single lap, catching them at the bottom of Red Lane, and the two groups worked well together to make the catch in the same spot again the next lap.

However, only three groups had come together, and Limit were never even in sight. Although it took some time to get the rhythm organised, a lot of fresh faces combined with the regular representatives to push the pace. It seems that most riders contributed to the workload, resulting in an average of over 39kmph - a savage speed, especially for Limit!

In the end it was the finishing drag that that broke it up, with the attackers sprinting for the win, still over a minute clear of the chasers. Seamus Nolan, a late joiner to the league but a regular fixture on the winter spins, was the fastest to the line, holding off previous placers Mark Mulcahy and Oisín Boland.

Coming home in fourth was Keith Harte, also a man with a placing already under his belt, followed by another late joiner, Mark Ryan. Completing the placings was Darragh Boyd, a league regular who came third in the 10m TT.

With the prizes all being taken by either newcomers or repeat placers, many or possibly all may have earned an upgrade to Semi-limit, particularly in light of their combined average speed. That decision of course rests with the league committee, and we wouldn't think to influence it.

Crossing the line well up in the bunch and ahead of her Semi-limit rivals, Lucy Soden took the unplaced woman title, moving her up to second in the women's rankings.

Despite Limit scooping all the points, by our calculations the top of the table is still dominated by Scratch, upset only by top placed Jules Cantwell (SL). Peter Gerrard is in second, with Liam Rowsome and Diarmuid Collins tied for third.

A great workout for all in the best weather of the league thus far - long may it continue!

Orwell League R9: Brittas CP

1 Seamus Nolan (L)
2 Mark Mulcahy (L)
3 Oisin Boland (L)
4 Keith Harte (L)
5 Mark Ryan (L)
6 Darragh Boyd (L)

Unplaced Woman
Lucy Soden