John Sower, Patrick O'Brien and race debutant Edward O'Mahony all scored wins on a great night for Orwell Wheelers at the first Inter Club league evening race of the season at Brittas.

No less than 132 people including marshals signed on for the two lap thrash around the Manor Kilbride which was switched to a four-race DMS rather than the billed handicap event.

All four races in the St Tiernan's promotion ran without a hitch thanks in no small part to the efforts of Brian Hayden and his crew in sweeping the gravel ahead of the arrival of the riders.

John Sower showed his preparation for Ras Mumhan is well on target  as he led a four man break home at the front of the Scratch group for his first win in some time. Dylan Rafter followed him over the line for second.

Shortly afterwards Patrick O'Brien showed the form that earned him his first A4 win last weekend with a commanding sprint win in the Semi Scratch race. Having been promoted to A3 last Sunday, O'Brien has followed it up with a fast track promotion to Scratch in the inter club league.

Diarmuid Collins is another man showing great form and he powered up the finishing drag for third with Seamus Fitzgerald fourth just ahead of Eddie Lynch who extracted himself from the squabbling pack just in time to annexe fifth place.

Robbie Lawless is on the comeback trail after very little racing activity in the last year and he showed that class is permanent with a second place finish in the Semi Limit race, just missing out to another comeback man John Priest (Lucan) in the last few metres.

Barry Dunne was a fine third, followed by a further trio of Orwells including Romano Morelli, Rodney Joyce and Peter Gerrard.

Orwell rookie Edward O'Mahony capped a great night for Orwell as he led the Limit group for much of the final kilometre and still had the legs to fend off the rest for a wonderful debut success.

O'Mahony was at the head of an Orwell top four including Liam Rowsome, Joe Brennan and Owen O'Flaherty all of whom have earned the honour of an upgrade to Semi Limit for next weeks outing in Black Bull.

John Sower, Patrick O'Brien and John Priest hold the early lead in the points standings while Ciara Kinch heads the points in the Women's section.  92 riders have scored points in both events so far and a total of 173 riders have taken part in the two events.

Meanwhile Orwell scooped 15 of the 24 points scoring positions on a night of sunshine and great racing. The full league table is available here.

Inter club League Round Two,

Brittas, April 7th.

 1, John Sower (Orwell);

2, Dylan Rafter(Orwell);

3, Graham Thomas (Stagg Lucan CRC);

4, Frank Billings (Stagg Lucan CRC);

5, Paul Dolan (Irish Road Club);

6, Eugene Murtagh (Stagg Lucan CRC).


1, Patrick O'Brien (Orwell);

2, John Caffrey  (Stagg Lucan CRC);

3, Diarmuid Collins (Orwell);

4, Seamus Fitzgerald (Orwell);

5, Eddie Lynch (Orwell);

6, Ian O'Hara  (Stagg Lucan CRC).



1, John Priest (Stagg Lucan CRC);

2, Robert Lawless (Orwell);

3, Barry Dunne (Orwell);

4, Romano Morelli (Orwell);

5, Rodney Joyce (Orwell);

6, Peter Gerrard (Orwell).


 1, Edward O'Mahony (Orwell);

2, Liam Rowsome (Orwell);

3, Joe Brennan (Orwell);

4, Owen O'Flaherty (Orwell);

5, Declan Murphy (Stagg Lucan CRC);

6, Louis Twomey (UCD).