Scott Orwell Wheelers had a fantastic set of results in the National Youth Track Championships last weekend! The May Family took home 5 National Titles between Oisin and Caoimhe with Aine and Katie Reilly making a few trips to the podium to round out a very successful day.

U12 Girls Sprint
2. Aine Reilly (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U12 Girls Scratch
2. Aine Reilly (Scott Orwell)

U12 Boys Sprint
2. Oisin May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U12 Boys 100m TT
1. Oisin May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U12 Boys Scratch
1. Oisin May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U14 Girls Scratch
3.  Katie O’Reilly (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U16 Girls Sprint
1. Caoimhe May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U16 Girls 500m TT
1. Caoimhe May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

U16 Girls Scratch
1. Caoimhe May (Scott Orwell Wheelers)

We caught up with a few of the riders and managed to convince them to give us their perspective on the racing. Thanks for taking the time out to do this in a very busy summer (and we promise it isnt homework!)

Oisin (Under 12)

On Saturday I was at the track nationals.  I was on the rollers getting ready for the flying 200m qualifying  race for the sprints.  I was off - I felt like I was almost flying. It felt good , then after it was almost better finding out that I won which meant I did not have to do the quarter finals. Then came the 100m TT which was what I was probably best at in track racing. I think I got one of the best starts I ever got - I definitely felt fast and it was fast enough to win which made me happy.

The sprint quarter finals came next but I did not have to do them, then semi- finals which I won but before the finals was the scratch race which was what I was most nervous about. But before we knew it we were off.  It was 4 laps and on 1 lap to go I attacked then got first place.

Then sprint finals - I was pretty tired after a day of racing but that was not going to be my excuse! I got the upper part of the track which meant he lead out but I think what made me come second was I went a bit early which meant I was racing around him on the outside. I was nearly there but he just got me but I was fine with first, first and second.

Afterwards it was all happy thoughts about how well I did.


Áine (Under 12)

On Saturday the National Track Championships were held at Sundrive Velodrome. We got our gear ready on Friday night so that we would be ready for an early start.

I felt prepared thanks to Gen for organising a last-minute training session.

We are lucky enough to be able to rent bikes from the Track and both Katie and myself choose our bikes.

While waiting for sign on Rachel (Bray Wheeler) and myself practiced our Standing Start on the Grass.

First event was the sprint qualifiers, a flying 200. I was second to go on the flying 200. I was very nervous. I tried my best and came third. I knew Rachel and myself would be against each other in the Semi-finals.

Next were the 100 TT’s . I again tried my best but unfortunately came last as I had a poor start.

Rachel and myself raced in the Sprint Semi-finals. I won, but just about, this gave me at least a silver medal. I would now be up against Aine Dotherty in the finals. Aine is an amazing cyclist so I wasn't looking forward to that race, in the end Aine beat me to take gold, I was happy with the silver.

Our next race was a 4-lap scratch race. Aine attacked from the start, while Rachel, Zoe and myself worked together. I was delighted to win the sprint finish to come Second and take another silver.

Overall it was an amazing day with beautiful weather. I won 2 silver medals. I am only 11 so I have next year to try again as a under 12. Thanks to Gen, Hugh and everybody else who organised.

Katie (Under 14)

On Saturday I felt prepared. Gen had organised the last-minute track training for nationals so most of us knew what we were doing.

The first race was the flying 200, although we had trained for it, we had only trained for the entry. My last flying 200 was at the Leinster track champs a year ago. There were no medals for the flying 200 as it was qualifier for the sprints, I wasn’t worried about the flying 200 because the top 8 qualified and there was only 5 of us so we all got through. I came 4th.

The next event was the quarter finals sprint, I was against 5th Aoife Mooney I won the sprint putting me into semi-finals against Aoife O’Brien.

Next was the 250-meter TT. It was a disappointing one for me as I came 4th again losing to 3rd over a second.

After lunch the scratch race started we had 8 laps we were all going well when Aoife O’Brien attacked. I saw her go and was first on her wheel. I drew level with Rachel White and realised I wasn’t going to pass her so slotted in behind her, but she made a sudden acceleration and I lost her wheel. Shauna caught onto me and we worked together until the last lap where I stayed behind her until the 200 line, when she moved up to get me to take the front she opened the sprint lane for me I went and held out to get 3rd.

My last race was the playoffs against Shauna which was a best of 3 for the Bronze medal. Shauna got the jump on me both times and she beat me taking 3rd.

Altogether it was a good day, although I was a bit disappointed with my performance.

Thanks to everybody who organised the event.

Caoimhe: (Under 16)

Track national champs for U16 riders consists of; a 500m Time Trial, Sprint, and the Scratch race.

Sprint qualification was first on the timetable which meant a flying 200m sprint. I managed to get the fastest time which automatically put me at the top for the sprint rounds. Round 1 I was against Maria McAllister and won. I was through to semi finals. In the semi finals it was the best of 3 to go through to the medal ride offs, however after winning the first 2 sprints against Lucy O Donnell I didn’t have to do a third so I could prepare myself for the 500m TT.

My main focus was on the TT and when I finished in a time of 40.37, beating the existing Irish record and replacing it with mine, there were smiles all around. Title 1 of the day had been gained.

Next up was the Scratch Race, probably the most exciting of all my events. Some people might think I raced it very tactically but really I just pedalled faster when I thought it was time!  The lap board read 12 laps when we started but the first lap being neutralized didn’t count. 11 laps of racing - I thought I could hopefully manage.

There were a couple of small attacks throughout the race the main one being when Eva Brennan broke away from the group with 4 laps to go. Thankfully for me our bunch caught back onto her soon enough. When I was expecting to see 2 laps to go on the board, I heard the bell ring and a big fat number 1 on the lap board. I was at the very back of the bunch at this point and we were all squished up at the top of the track leaving a lovely free space at the bottom for me to try a sneaky unplanned attack. Just as we reached the line I dived under the bunch and out of the saddle, pushed as hard as I could and tried to maintain it for as long as I could just like in the TT. Much to my delight and surprise I stayed ahead and won my 2nd title of the day.

Finally while I was still on a high I had the medal ride offs for the sprint. I ended up in the gold/silver ride off against Caoimhe O Brien meaning I could relax a bit knowing I was guaranteed top 2. However after winning 2/3 of the titles so far I was determined to make the hat trick! Again this was another case of best out of 3 sprints and just like the semi- finals I managed to win the first 2 sprints giving me my 3rd and last title of the day. I am now national 500m TT, sprint, and scratch race champion!


MULLINGAR GP: Sunday 15th July

On Sunday a large contingent of Scott-Orwell Wheeler racers headed to the Midlands for the Mullingar GP hosted by Lakeside Wheelers. Fresh from their exploits on the track the day before the youths were up bright and early and continued their winning ways placing in every category they entered!

1st u12 girl: Aine Reilly

2nd u12: Ryan Fox

3rd u14 girl: Katie Reilly

5th U14: Ruairi Byrne

6th U16: Ronan O’Connor

1st u16 girl: Annie Roche

Ronan gets special kudos as he ended up having to ride the last lap of a tough, hilly course stuck in his hardest gear and still managed to finish 6th!

Áine Reilly (under 12s) kindly sent in this write up of the race:

On Sunday was the Mullingar GP. I was still a bit tired from the National Youth Track Champions the day before, after an early breakfast we set off to Mullingar in the lashing rain.

There was four girls in my race I had raced against all four before and was determined to win.

After signing on we drove around the course, I knew the course was tough and with the rain it would be very hard to corner.

To my amazement I came up the hill and finish first girl. I was over the moon.

Overall this weekend had being tough but amazing, I can’t wait for my next race!



In the afternoon it was the turn of the Senior racers to take to the wet roads of Mullingar. After the recent drought contitions the rain would normally have been welcome but unfortunately this time it meant greasy roads!

In the men’s races the best result came from Eoin Byrne who finished 7th overall in the A1/A2 race and was 1st unplaced A2. Eoin is having a great season and is getting consistent results in racing – as well as taking part in the odd mad event such as "Everesting "Stocking lane only a few weeks ago! Rumour has it he will also be taking part in the upcoming 24hour Time Trial…watch this space!

Photo thanks to John Busher

In the women’s race Eve McCrystal of Garda CC was hoping to show off her new National Champions jersey with a win in the National League Series race. Newly (almost) converted triathlete Áine Donegan of Scott Orwell Wheelers was hoping to ruin those plans! Scott Orwell Wheelers fielded its strongest team of the season with Áine lining up with Breda Horan, Yvonne Doran, Monica Freiband, Monica Marconi and Ciara Ni Fhlathartaigh.

Photo thanks to John Busher

In her first season of road cycling, Áine has now made the podium three times in the National Road Series, last weekend was no different and Aine rode a very strong race with great help from her team mates - in particular Breda Horan was singled out for her impressive ride and attacking riding.

Finishing second in Mullingar elevated Áine from second to top the National Road Series table with 125 points, defending champion McCrystal five points adrift in second and former leader Katharine Smyth now third.

Aine tells us how the race went in her own words here –

A great turnout of Orwell ladies last Sunday, the group stuck together on the first lap. Second time round a few attacks were made unsuccessfully until Breda Horan broke up the field on a hill. I was delighted to see a club make making a move and even happier to see Breda maintaining her spot in the breakaway of 6, which dwindled down to 4 in the final few K’s.

In the final kilometer Eve Mc Crystal and myself got away from the other two and it ended in a sprint of the line. I was happy to come second to the National Champ and always picking up tips in each race! I wanted to race hard in preparation for Kreiz Breizh in France with the Irish Team next week and was pleased with my overall performance on the day.

Áine 2nd to National Champion McCrystal, photo thanks to John Busher


CLUB LEAGUE: 25mile TT Championships, Thursday 12th July

It was the smallest turnout we've had for a 25 for a long time, but lots of quality. For so many years breaking the hour would guarantee you a medal, this year Balasz missed out on the medals with a 56, and Ken missed out on the points altogether with a short 58 which is unreal.

Congratulations to Club Champion Brian McNally who came home with a blistering 55:15. Second place went to Eoin Ahern with 55:55 and the podium was rounded out with Eoin Byrne with 56:46

Unfortunately not enough women competed for the event to qualify as a Club Championship but congratulations to Yvonne Doran who set a great time of 1:05:24 to finish 14th overall on the night.


IVCA LEAGUE: Sunday 15th July

The IVCA league moved to Tullamore on Sunday for some damp but exciting racing! The only Scott Orwell results of the day came from race 3 where Terry Ryan finished 8th and the very consistent Patrick Malone managed to nab 5th place.

Patrick in the bunch sprint, photo thanks to Brendan Culleton