Gerry Brannigan was a very popular member of Orwell Wheelers and the IVCA who died suddenly in October 2006 aged just 52 years.

A group of friends came together and formed a committee that ultimately decided to organise a charity cycle to support Gerry’s family. The first Gerry Brannigan Memorial Cycle took place in November 2006 and we were overwhelmed with entries with over 320 riders taking part. In addition to entries, sponsorship cards were also distributed and returned and through the generosity of cyclists, their friends and families, a large sum was donated to Gerry’s family.

Each year, we all hear of deaths or serious injuries in our cycling community, be it from an accident or illness and we all wonder if we could be of any help or assistance to cyclists and their families. With this in mind, we established The Gerry Brannigan Benevolent Fund in 2007 and this year will be the eighth running of the Gerry Brannigan Memorial Cycle.

This year's event is on Sunday October 18th, starting at 10.00am from The Grasshopper Inn, Clonee, Co Meath. Two routes will be available – 60kms and 35kms. Both routes will be marked and supervised at all junctions and refreshments will be available after the event.

If you're a member of Orwell, please head over to the forum to add your name to the list of marshals.

All monies raised will be lodged into the Gerry Brannigan Benevolent Fund account. This fund has assisted a number of cyclists and their families since 2007 in times of death or serious injuries to support them through difficult times.

This is a chance to help others in the same way that Gerry’s family were helped and it will be available to all cycling families. Help us make this year another success and be of benefit to us all.

Details: Gerard Brannigan Memorial Cycle

Date: Sunday 18th October 2015

Sign-on from 9.00am at The Grasshopper Inn, Clonee, Co. Meath.

Start 10.15am at the Sign-on The Grasshopper Inn, Clonee Co. Meath.

Two routes will be available – 35 miles (60km) & 20 miles (35km). Both routes will be marked and supervised at all junctions. There will be refreshments afterwards at the Grasshopper Inn. Prize raffle for all entrants.

60km Route:

Entries on the day. Come along and join the fun. All levels welcome. Helmets must be worn.

For more information, call Ronnie Brannigan 086-6096369