Jean Wilson completed this well-run event earlier this year.

I completed the 160k and really enjoyed it (despite never having cycled beyond 100k). I thought it was really well organised and well marshalled, although I had to stop and ask for directions to the starting point/sportive HQ as there weren't any road signs to point the way.

When I arrived there was ample parking, tea n biccies and a great atmosphere as all the riders assembled at the start. The first half of the Tour rides really well and that takes you through a water/banana stop and on to the feed station, where was quite literally a sea of cake and sandwiches, biscuits and jellies and very happy tea ladies.

The second half of the spin is tougher and includes a number of climbs and drags and we were unlucky that it pelted consistently with rain, that said it was still super enjoyable, very scenic albeit challenging second half. We were unlucky to get a puncture about 16k from home but there was no end to the offers of help as people rode by and saw we were stopped.

I'm new to this so perhaps its a cyclist thing, but I found the people en route extremely friendly and happy to share their enjoyment of the day, knowledge of sportives etc with you as you rode between groups.