Mentored Sunday spins with the club are now in progress and the mileage will start to gradually increase. This is the best way to build your fitness for the coming year. Groups of all levels leave from Joe Daly's. With the end of the mentored fall/winter Sunday spins, our group spins move to Saturday mornings starting from Joe Daly's. Get on the mailing list for start times and routes. The spins are longer and hillier, but we regroup at the top of most hills and, as usual, somewhere along the way, we will take the time to pour into some unsuspecting coffee shop for refuelling.

Beginner cyclists are encouraged to come out first on our mentored Sunday spins in the fall and winter. These are run every Sunday from Joe Daly's in Dundrum. A note will be put on the website when they are to start. They are leisurely in nature and cover a distance of between 60-80km (coffee stop included). They will build up in distance and speed after Christmas. These Sunday spins will build your fitness gradually and give you the confidence to cycle in a group. We have group leaders out each week who will introduce you to the Orwell "Experience". They will pass on tips on road safety, bike positioning, the use of the correct gears and, when the unexpected big "P" happens (puncture), they will show you how quick it is to fix and ride on again.

Ensure you have the following:

  • Helmet
  • Pump
  • Spare tubes (we recommend 2)
  • Tyre levers
  • Water or your other preferred liquid
  • Mobile phone
  • Money

For further details, or to get on our mailing list, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pictures from the An Post Tour of Meath are now in the Photo Gallery.

Very Simple Image Gallery:
Could not find folder /home/o24133/public_html/images/touring/verysimple/

Previous events

Click here for images from the touring group's trip to Mallorca 2010.

See images from the touring group's 3 Hill Challenge and the Wicklow 200 in our Photo Gallery.