Billy Parker continues his excellent series of reports from sportives around Ireland. This one comes complete with video footage, available on YouTube

La Vuelta time and Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford time. Both share the same slot. They also share the man himself. On this occasion they also shared the day with Nicholas Roche who had an outstanding victory in Stage 2 in or around the same time as we were grinding out our own battle against the steep gradient of Mahon Falls. We are pleased to report that we too were victorious.

The SK Tour of Waterford is regarded as one of the end of season highlights in the sportive calendar. It invariably boasts great marshalling, great food stops, great climbs and of course the great man himself who gets the show under way. The numbers are staggering. Over 10,000 participants across 2 days and 4 separate routes which included 100 from the US, 50 Canadians, 700 from the UK and 500 from Europe. And then there was a gang from Dundrum.

This was my third SK Tour of Waterford and each of the two previous ones started in bright shimmering sunshine at the waterfront in Dungarvan. This year’s event was no different. Also without difference was the fine Orwell contingent of 16 plus cyclists taking on the 160k which is promoted as one of the toughest in the country.  Not tough enough though to deter our youngest Orwell participant Niall Kieran (18) or our eldest Tom Wymes (72) both of whom skipped around the route wondering what all the fuss was about.

We gathered the night before for some beverages and sustenance in Crews restaurant and then met in the morning outside Lawlors Hotel on the main street at 7.45am. There were a surprising number of cyclists leaving well in advance of the official off, mostly it would appear to get a head start on the field before the steep, narrow and somewhat feared climb of Tickincor. We enjoyed the sunshine and glistening sea as we waited to the sounds of U2 blaring across the otherwise still morning and once the man himself said a few words we were off, gently rolling along the sparkling river’s edge, over the bridge, out on the main road and quickly covering the 65k of flattish terrain despite a gentle head wind before encountering Tickincor, which at 3k and 8.8% average is a fair challenge but one comfortably handled by the Orwell jerseys. The reward is a spectacular downhill of about 10k all the way to the stop in Clonmel where a mighty array of food laden trays awaited, including nostalgic and hugely tasty Wagonwheels. Yum.

The food stop is followed by the gentle climb of Powers the Pot which in the purple heather and at a gentle pace was a pleasant experience, somewhat different to the finish of the Suir Valley 3 day some weeks before where I watched Brian McArdle and Diarmuid Collins pay scant attention to the beautiful surroundings as they sprinted up the entire 5k. Following a regroup at the summit we headed south with the wind in our backs and along the way paused at the food stop at Rathgormack for some refreshments before tackling the famous Mahon Falls. Ian, John and Niall led the way up and the rest crested the steep last ramp one by one until all had safely summited including Tom whose strength, courage and determination we can only marvel at.

There is nothing marvellous about the descent from Mahon Falls which is very steep and dangerous, so much so that one particularly bad bend had bales of hay laid out to capture any flying cyclists. It caught one that I spoke with later who had no choice but to accept the fate of the onrushing straw as her fingers could not maintain the pressure on her brakes. Thankfully the roll in the hay cost her nothing more than a few bruises. One more food stop, the unexpectedly and annoyingly draggy Mama Road climb to the mast and then a wonderful 17k of flat/downhill with a tail wind and the image of a cold beer spurring on the legs as we cruised through the final roundabout back into Dungarvan and the across the finishing line.

Well done to Tom, Niall K, Gert, Lynda, Eileen, Dave H, Ivan, Gerry, Ian, Juan, John C, Dave F, Stephen, Jonny and Niall O’L who all finished in flying form (and any other Orwell members who have been inadvertently overlooked) and a thank you to the organisers of one of the best run and most enjoyable sportives of the year.  A video of the day has been produced for our reflective amusement and which is available on YouTube.