Many of us have turned to the turbo and the imaginary worlds of Zwift and RGT Cycling during the current crisis but usually we tolerate about an hour or two before body and mind give in! Next Sunday the 3rd of May club member Stephen McNally will be attempting a 12 hour turbo Zwift spin to raise money for a cause close to his heart - MND. Read on to hear how you can help and why this ex European Pursuit Champion is going so long!

On behalf of myself and the club committee I want to express our thanks to everyone who has supported the Government Guidelines and Cycling Ireland (CI) position on cycling in the current difficult environment. I hope that you and your families are all well and continue to be in the coming weeks.


Online cycling simulates cycling outdoors while you use your trainer at home. You use a desktop computer or laptop and an online cycling service such as Zwift, Rouvy, RGT or Sufferfest to display a virtual road on the screen in front of you, including other cyclists on the road too. The other cyclists represent people who are doing the same as you, riding their trainers. The harder you pedal your trainer the faster you go on the virtual road on the screen – just like in real life.

NOTICE REGARDING THE MIDLANDS 300. We hope you and your families are all well and safe. As you may have guessed the Midlands 300km will not be going ahead on the 5th April.

Unfortunately there will not be another opportunity for us to re-run the event later this year. We will be in touch with all those who had entered regarding refunds.

COVID-19 Notice 1st May

No major changes to the current restrictions except that the exercise limit is now extended to 5km from home. 

We are planning a "Move-Up Sunday" for the Winter spin on 22nd March. Read on for information on how you can join in and "move up" a colour on the day.