A week ago yesterday, many of us participated in probably the single biggest gathering of Orwell members in one place in the club's history. The goal was to raise as much funds as possible for our friend and clubmate Keith Harte. We're very happy to report the amount raised was far beyond our wildest expectations, and a testament to everyone who took part.

We will issue a full report at the AGM, but we wanted to say a huge thank you to all those who donated so selflessly or showed their generosity by buying raffle tickets, and to those who took part in the spin and met Keith, and anyone who spread the word. We couldn't have done it without you!

The largest gathering of Orwell ever?

We had members old and new along for the ride, an estimated 200 members for the first Sunday spin of the winter. Some have only recently become part of the Orwell crew through the women's beginner spins, and plenty of regulars, including the late Pat O'Brien out for his final spin, as charitable as always.

Some of Keith's family and friends battled bravely on the way out from Dundrum as well, a tough journey for non-regular cyclists. And add that to the roundtrip from Galway after getting up at 5.30am!

It was great to see Keith in Laragh, surrounded by family and friends, including the latest addition baby Sarah Jane. Keith asked us to post this message on his behalf.

  Myself and my family would like to thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts
for everything that has been done for us by my fantastic friends at Orwell Wheelers.

We very much appreciate the very generous donations by each and every one of you.

  Thank you to everybody who participated in last Sunday's spin
and to the committee for organising such a great day out.

It was great to see everybody and get some Wicklow fresh air,
which helped with the best night's sleep in long time.

  The sudden passing of Pat O'Brien after the spin deeply shocked and saddened me,
my sincere condolences to his fiancé and family, ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam uasal.

  Being part of Orwell Wheelers has brought me some of the happiest days
and I consider myself privileged to be a member of this club.

  My focus for the immediate future is to continue treatment and get well again.

  Once again thank you all and see you all soon again.

  - Keith and family.


Thanks to the sponsors who donated raffle prizes and contributions to the fund:

Raffle winners are on the forum.

Thanks to Glendalough Green for being so accommodating - they sent their own message of support:

  "A big shout out for the fantastic 180+ Orwell Wheelers who stopped by for a pit stop at GG on their Fundraiser Cycle today, great fun and great folks showing huge support, solidarity and friendship. We were humbled and full of admiration for each and all."

A special thanks to those who made this possible - the organising committee of:

  • Ken O'Neill
  • Garret Connolly
  • Eileen Byrne
  • Billy Parker
  • Brian McArdle
  • Mark Mulcahy

Special mention is deserved for Ken O’Neill. The selfless time and support Ken has given to Keith and his family over the last year has been extraordinary. To quote four very simple words which speak volumes, as stated by Keith - "Ken is my guardian angel".

Photos available from the day from our fantastic photographers below. We've included a sample, but make sure to have a flick through them all!


Some of the group leaders getting briefed by Ken:

Rolling out:
