Peak Endurance Coaching have offered a discount to Orwell members for their seminar next Thursday - details below!

World Masters Champ Orla Hendron recommends the seminar:

"Although it says track the information will be very relevant to road riders as well. I have been to one of Beth and Paddy's seminars and the information is fantastic. Fuelling the body correctly is so important - if you want to get the benefit from all your training and rest so I would highly recommend club members attend.

Paddy is offering a €5 reduction on the price so €20 to Orwell members. I will be there on the night to collect Orwell payments."


A Track Cycling Coaching Seminar will be held by Paddy Doran and Beth McCluskey of Peak Endurance Coaching on 29th May at the Sundrive Park Pavilion. The seminar will cover the following key areas:

  • Are you wasting valuable time and effort by training or eating poorly?
  • Build more power and endurance through co-ordinated training and nutrition planning
  • Be sure that your training and nutrition will deliver your goals
  • Learn how to fuel key training sessions

When: Thursday 29th May, 18.45-20.30
Where: Sundrive Park Pavilion (accessible via Clogher Road)
Cost: €25 (€20 for Orwell)