The highlight of the year, only surpassed by the Tour De France! This is the Orwell Xmas Fun Day out. There will be several fun events, so bring the kids, grandparents, aunts, uncles, bring the spouse, partner, lover, bring the dog, cat, hamster. Oh and don't forget the bicycle.

We will supply the food (hot dogs, mince pies, tea, coffee, hot choc & mulled wine), prizes and maybe Santa will be there too. Entry is free and any Club member with any type of Cycling Ireland licence can take part and you don't even have to be fit! Feel free to come in fancy dress, there will be prizes for the best outfit. Please come along even if you're not racing as you will be very entertained by the racing events planned and the delicious food served during the racing.

We'll be kicking things off around 10.00am., and the venue is Corkagh Park, so no hills, cars nor dogs. We're aiming for a big crowd so please do come along!