Dave Tansey was unanimously elected as Orwell’s new president at last night’s AGM.  Tansey takes over from Eddie Lynch, who had served for three years. During Lynch’s time in charge, the club has grown to become the largest in Ireland, with nearly 300 members.

The meeting also saw the election of a new committee. In a departure from previous years, the 2012 committee will be slightly different, with each committee member taking on an assigned role.

President – Dave Tansey

Secretary – Dave McLoughlin

Treasurer – John Lannigan

PRO – Dick O’Brien

Club League Reps – John Marron & Damien Long

Touring Rep – Denis Gleeson

Youth Rep – Jenny Sheridan

Women’s Rep – Aideen Collard

Track Rep – Stephen McNally

Racing Co-ordinators – Diarmuid Collins & Margaret Donnelly

Sponsorship Co-ordinator – Ian Mellor

Club Kit Co-ordinator – John Twomey

Social Co-ordinator – Anne Dalton

Child Protection Officer – Gary McNulty

A motion was also passed that committee members should serve a standard term of two years before stepping down. In the event that there are no candidates to assume their role at the end of this two year period, committee members can opt to extend their term for another year.

A new coaching initiative was also announced, in which groups of riders training for a particularly event can avail coaching subsidised by the club. At present it is envisaged that the club could cover approximately 50 per cent of the costs. A training group for riders aiming for Rás standard racing is in the process of being set up and anyone interested in joining the group should contact the new racing co-ordinators Diarmuid Collins and Margaret Donnelly. There has also been some level of interest in creating a group aiming at the Gorey 3 Day.

The meeting also approved the club’s new Code of Conduct, on the proviso that it be reviewed after a year in operation at next year’s AGM.

With the high numbers of Orwell riders now riding cyclocross, a motion was carried approving the order of black jerseys and skinsuits for those wishing to purchase them for off-road racing. The kit will be the same design as the current winter jacket. It should be noted that Cycling Ireland regulations prohibit this kit to be used in road races.