The word is spreading about the Orwell Sprocket Rocket series with 12 intrepid young cyclists signing on at St Louis High School in Rathmines last Saturday morning.

With so many kids making their first appearance the team decided to run through the skills learned in week one with the focus on balance and braking.

Gary ‘Garmin’ McNulty ran his expert eye over the bikes and gave everyone the all clear after minor repairs to one or two.

The programme will de-camp to the newly resurfaced Sundrive track in a couple of weeks to coincide with the Orwell Track day on 4th December.

In the meantime this Saturday’s session takes place as normal at 10am in St.Louis High School in Charleville Road, Rathmines .

If your child wants to join up, registration Is from 9.45-10am.

Further details can be seen here



The word is spreading about the Orwell Sprocket Rocket series with 12 intrepid young cyclists signing on at St Louis High School last Saturday morning.