Covid 19 Update - Club Training Activities Can Recommence from May 10th.

We welcome the revised government guidelines announced on 29/4//2021 that signal a return to club training activities in the coming weeks. It's been a long winter for everyone cycling alone or indoors without the company of our clubmates and friends. The support from club members for the government guidelines over the last year has been fantastic and thankfully we will now all enjoy the opportunity to reap the rewards of everyone's efforts and look forward to a summer of club cycling again.

In recognition of the disruption to club activities for members during the period of the restrictions, the Club Committee has agreed that anyone who has already paid their club membership for 2021 will have their membership period extended to include 2022.

From the 10th of May club training spins can recommence within the following guidelines:

Club spin routes can take place with no geographic restrictions in line with the reintroduction of intercounty travel.

Pod size for club training spins is up to 10 riders. This is within the limit set by the government and Cycling Ireland guidelines and should facilitate safe cycling balanced with covid social distancing and hygiene requirements at coffee stops.

All existing hygiene and social distancing requirements remain in place and all club spins and spin participants must be recorded on the Cycling Ireland registrar as before.

Cycling together as a club is at the core of what we do and these revisions to the guidelines make this a welcome reality for the coming summer months. As the situation continues to evolve we will keep everyone updated.

The announcements also indicated that events may start taking place again from June. We will liaise with Cycling Ireland in the coming days in relation to this and as soon as we have a confirmed position we will update this communication.

Thanks again for all your support over the last challenging months and let's hope we all have a safe, healthy, and happy summer on our bikes.

The Covid Committee

Eamonn Eaton
Fergal O Sullivan
Denis Gleeson
John Twomey