The government has announced the revised public health guidelines that will be introduced on a phased basis during April. Cycling Ireland has also issued an updated position for all clubs in Ireland.

These guidelines highlight a number of key areas that relate to club activities and are constant for the full month of April:

- There is no return to team sports or training activities and as a result, no club adult training spins can take place during April.
- No events can take place - elite events must be behind closed doors. This includes all age groups and cycling disciplines.
- No organised outdoor gatherings can take place, social or sporting.

From the 12th of April in a personal capacity:
- You can exercise/cycle within the county or up to a 20k radius of home when you cross the county boundary
- You can exercise outdoors with people from one other household while maintaining all social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

From the 26th of April in a Club capacity (Subject to prevailing public health situation):
- Underage Club training for pods of up to 15 can take place outdoors in line with all social distancing and hygiene guidelines

From the 26th of April in a personal capacity (Subject to prevailing public health situation):
- You can exercise outdoors with people from a maximum of two households i.e. no change.

As the evenings become brighter and the days get warmer we welcome the opportunity to be back cycling outdoors and a bit further from home. Everyone is encouraged to get back cycling in a personal capacity, improving our fitness and overall wellbeing in a safe and responsible manner within the Level 5 guidelines. Let's hope that building up our fitness through exercise now will have us ready to take to the road again together this summer when guidelines are hopefully relaxed.

Many thanks to everyone in the club for the personal and collective effort and cooperation that has helped maintain our club spirit and member's wellbeing through the last challenging months.

As soon as guidelines are revised as expected later this month an updated club position will be published on the forum.

The Covid Committee.

Fergal O Sullivan
Eamonn Eaton
Denis Gleeson
John Twomey