30th Dec - level 5 update

The government has placed the entire country on Level 5 lockdown commencing midnight Wednesday 30th of December 2020. For at least the month of January we are all being asked to play our part in reversing the progress of the Covid pandemic that is impacting each of us and our families at the moment. In support of the national interest Orwell Wheelers is suspending all club training, events, spins and social activities until further notice.

Club members are encouraged to continue to organise and participate in Zoom exercise sessions, Zwift training, individual outdoor 5k radius training sessions and social on line events. Let’s make sure that we continue to stay connected and use creative digital channels to maintain our physical and mental wellbeing in these challenging times.

Within our club we have many members who work in front line roles and members who have been impacted at a personal level. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you all and you have the support and appreciation of your fellow club members at all times.

We look forward to a time when we can all safely cycle together in 2021.

The Covid Committee