Social Rep Ann Horan has been busy again! On this occasion it's time to get geared up for the annual weekend away! 


All roads lead to Carrick On Shannon on the weekend of 17th-19th of November for the annual Orwell Weekend Away. If you are new to the club and would like to make some new friends or get to know your fellow club members a little better this weekend is a must! We will be doing a spin of around 80-120km, with a coffee stop, rolling out at 10am on Saturday. Groups will be split according to ability, the usual white, yellow, orange and red. Routes to be decided. There will be another option of a spin on the Sunday morning for those who are still feeling energetic after the previous nights antics.


Seating for dinner on Saturday night will be assigned in the usual way. You pick a number out of a hat. This encourages mixing and mingling and splits up the cliques!

Carrick On Shannon is only 160km away so some club members may decide to cycle both ways. As we are an environmentally friendly group of cyclists, car pooling will be encouraged. We will start a thread on the forum at a later date.


Bush Hotel

We will be staying in the Bush Hotel and there will be options to suit everybody!

Travel down to Carrick On Shannon on Friday and stay two nights 17th and 18th Nov:

Two night rate €120 pps

This includes B & B and dinner on Sat night.

Or get up early and travel down to Carrick On Shannon on Saturday morning, 18th Nov:

One night rate €77 pps

One night B&B and dinner on Sat night


There is a Single Supplement of €20 per night

Group dinner only option €22, Please contact Ann Horan if you require this option.

There are two nearby accommodation options for those who are late booking.  

  • The Landmark Hotel
  • St Mary's B&B

You can still be included in dinner even if you are not staying in the Bush Hotel.


How to book

Ring this number - (071) 9671000

Say you are part of the Orwell Wheelers group

State how many nights you are staying and what type of room you would like.


N.B. If you are sharing a room you must be staying the same number of nights as your roomie/roomies. Only one person rings and books the room on behalf of the pairing/threesome.

There are a number of triple rooms set aside for our group. These are larger rooms with three single beds. I would encourage people to take these if possible as they will be harder to fill I'd imagine.

There are a limited number of singles available so if you are someone who likes a bit of privacy I'd advise you to book in immediately.

Closing date for Booking is 30th Sept or when all rooms set aside have been filled.


Organisational Forum Thread: Craic in Carrick - Weekend Away 2017 Organisational