Membership of Orwell Wheelers will reopen shortly on the 17th of October 2016.

Official club spins will commence from the 23rd of October 2016. From that date new members are invited to join Orwell Wheelers.

You can trial the club by doing guest spins, but our Cycling Insurance limits us to allowing non-members only on three spins.

Following this it is compulsory that you join Cycling Ireland in order to become a member of Orwell Wheelers.

You first register at Spin Sign on to allow us to gauge numbers and make sure everyone is looked after. This also serves as your sign on for insurance purposes.

We will publish more details on the winter spins shortly, and joining the club when Cycling Ireland opens up membership for 2017.

Please take time to view the various articles published on our website in relation spins, which will give you plenty of information in regard to group cycling.

If you have any questions on this please feel free to contact the membership secretary.

Safe cycling.