The Leisure Challenges - 2019

5 years 5 months ago #29210 by Ken Moloney
The Leisure Challenges - 2019 was created by Ken Moloney
2019's Leisure Programme was launched a couple of weeks ago.

Back again this year are a refreshed set of Leisure Challenges - check out the Sign-up Form for all of the details

This time joining costs € 5 with the prospect of a memento if you complete, so please ensure to pay if you wish to participate.

We think there is a challenge in here to suit everyone regardless of circumstance,
ability or level of experience - they are designed to be inclusive.

The Challenges consist of 3 optional personal challenges that can help
to provide focus and recognition for your cycling efforts this year.
They start on Saturday 30th March and finish on Sunday 1st September i.e. 22 weeks to complete your particular challenge(s) ......................

The Distance Challenge:
Based on the European EuroVelo cycle network there are 3 options to select from
for your virtual ride.

The Climbing Challenge:
Ride a selection of our local climbs - a list to selet from is coming soon.

The Randonneur Challenge:
Between March and August inclusive, complete a number of 100km spins.
Any spin completed in 1 day counts.

How it works:
Sign-up electronically right here using the Leisure Challenges Sign-up form or check out the "Files" section of the club website home page.
The deadline for signing up is Sunday 14th April.

During April / early May a Challenge table is published identifying who has signed up for which challenge(s). This is when your commitment to your challenge(s) becomes public.

Once a month log your progress for the preceding month using an online form on the club's website and also distributed via whatsapp groups.

The deadline for logging your progress is the 10th of the following month.
The first deadline will be 10th May i.e. for logging your April progress and so on.

During each successive month the Challenge table is updated to incorporate your prior month progress as logged by you. There'll be a linked visual table on the club homepage that will let you see how you and your club mates are getting
along with your chosen challenge(s).

The boring stuff:
An honour system is used, i.e. you self-report your own progress.
Ideally use Strava to track your progress but manual is okay too though only for distance.
Turbo and spin class miles are deadly but must be excluded for these challenges.
Meeting the deadlines outlined above is a requirement for participation, don't worry though - there will be plenty of deadline reminders.

The "re-assessment" window:
During the 22 week challenges window, your progress might be epic or frustrating or your personal circumstances might change for the better or worse.
Don't worry - during June / July there'll be a window for you to re-assess your preferred challenge(s).

Lastly for any general questions at all please reach out on this thread.

Have fun and the best of luck.

On behalf of the Leisure sub-committee.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Stefan Foster

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5 years 5 months ago #29495 by Tom Weymes
Replied by Tom Weymes on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Wondering, before I sign up for the Climbs challenge, whether the list of 'approved' climbs has been compiled yet?

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5 years 5 months ago #29496 by Louise Keane
Replied by Louise Keane on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Hi Tom
The link to the sign up form is in the files section on the right hand side of every page - it’s under the Leisure heading and is the last spreadsheet on the list.
I hope this helps

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5 years 5 months ago #29497 by Tom Weymes
Replied by Tom Weymes on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Yes, I'm familiar with the sign-up arrangement, Louise, but my query just related to Ken's statement above re the Climbing Challenge 'a list to select from is coming soon'.
Or does the list flash up as one works through the form? Call me a coward, but I didn't want to sign up for 40 climbs till I knew where they were!

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5 years 5 months ago #29520 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Hi Tom
Apologies on the late reply.
Here's that list kindly prepared by Evan with contributions from Leonard.

Designated Climbing Challenges - the master list

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5 years 5 months ago #29521 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Hi all

Please find a link below to the list of designated climbing challenges
which form the Climbing Challenge component of this year's Leisure Challenges.
As part of the Challenge you commit to riding a selection of the climbs between April and August.
Thanks especially to Evan Hughes for compiling the list with contributions from Leonard Kaye.

Entry to the Leisure Challenges will close on Friday 19th April.

If you wish to enter, check out the files section on the homepage.
The linked "climbs" file will also appear there shortly.

For further information on the Challenges, check out the earlier posts above.

Thanks all.

Designated Climbing Challenges - the Master list
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dave Mc, Tom Crotty

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5 years 5 months ago #29531 by Tom Weymes
Replied by Tom Weymes on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Thanks, Ken. Fascinating list - well done those compilers! Talk about something for everyone.... Maybe I'll get those 40 done after all.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ken Moloney

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5 years 5 months ago #29533 by Dave Mc
Replied by Dave Mc on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
For the Randonneur challenge, are you allowed to do multiples of the distance in one spin, eg; Wicklow 200 would count for 2, or does it have to be 20/30/40 separate spins regardless of distance?

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5 years 5 months ago #29537 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
HI Dave
The W200 is counted a 2 points.

If you go out for a morning spin, say 50kms and go home for a: rest, change the baby's nappy, cut the grass, have a bath and a good feed and then go back out for another 50 km; iIt does not count as a 100 spin. As you say your self are
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5 years 5 months ago #29538 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
HI Dave
The W200 is counted as 2 points.

If you go out for a morning spin, say 50kms and go home for a: rest, change the baby's nappy, cut the grass, have a bath and a good feed and then go back out for another 50 km; iIt does not count as a 100 spin. As you say your self are
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5 years 5 months ago - 5 years 5 months ago #29539 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
HI Dave
The W200 is counted as 2 points.

If you go out for a morning spin, say 50kms and go home for a: rest, change the baby's nappy, cut the grass, have a bath and a good feed and then go back out for another 50 km; it does not count as a 100 spin. As you might say yourself
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Last edit: 5 years 5 months ago by Leonard Kaye.

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5 years 5 months ago #29563 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
You can also pay for the challenges by using the following link:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ken Moloney

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5 years 5 months ago #29565 by Shauna Whelan
Replied by Shauna Whelan on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Hi Ken. I paid using event rite rather than PayPal... Hope that's OK.. The sign up form o ly asked about PayPal?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ken Moloney

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5 years 5 months ago #29574 by Joe Fitzpatrick
Replied by Joe Fitzpatrick on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
For those taking on the climbing challenges

On a PC/Mac:
If you click on the link in the Hills of Wicklow and Dublin spreadsheet
This will take you to the Strava segment

Scroll down to the Leaderboards section
Click on My Results
This will show a list of your achievements on that segment, so you can self-verify that you have completed it.

Often, a ride will include a given hill
but your name wont show up in Strava as having achieved that segment.

Typically this is because your GPS unit recorded points slightly different from those recorded by the person who created the segment.

Dont sweat it. An honour system is used - you self-report your own progress.

But for those who want to know more
Here are some links if which may help address the issue:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ken Moloney

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5 years 4 months ago #29683 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Hi all

Click on the link below to log your April progress for the Leisure Challenges you selected.
Log your progress here.

Check out the bigger picture to see how your fellow riders are faring by clicking below:
See the Challenges Table.

Both links will appear in the Files section of the club homepage in the coming days.

Once a month log your progress for the preceding month using the linked form above.
The link will sit here and in the Files section of the club homepage.
A link to this thread will also be distributed to the "Orwell Wheelers Leisure" whatsapp group each month.

When logging progress:
- Please type your name ensuring no space appears after the last letter of your name.
Allowing a space to appear after your name is the most frequent reason a submission fails.
- If the table doesn't update, please double-check there is no space after your name before
- Be patient with the table .... it takes a moment to update

Inclusive participation is an important element of this initiative.
Consequently where a rider misses an update deadline without explanation the assumption will be the rider has opted out and so will be removed from the Challenges table.

The deadline for logging your progress is the 10th of the following month.
The first deadline will be 10th May i.e. for logging your April progress and so on.

Note that those on the Randonneur Challenge should log their March and also their April progress using the link above.

During each successive month the Challenge table is updated to incorporate your prior month progress as logged by you. The linked visual table (link to appear on the homepage soon) will let you see how you and your club mates are getting along with your chosen challenge(s).

The boring stuff:

An honour system is used, i.e. you self-report your own progress.
Ideally use Strava to track your progress but manual is okay too though only for distance.
Turbo and spin class miles are deadly but must be excluded for these challenges.
Meeting the deadlines outlined above is a requirement for participation, don't worry though - there will be plenty of deadline reminders.

The "re-assessment" window:
During June we'll provide a window for you to re-assess your preferred challenge(s) so don't panic if you feel you have over or under-reached.

Lastly for any general questions at all please reach out on this thread.

Have fun and the best of luck.

On behalf of the Leisure sub-committee.

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5 years 4 months ago #29685 by Tom Weymes
Replied by Tom Weymes on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
The Challenges will provide hours, days and weeks of innocent fun. Kudos again to Evan and any other compilers of that excellent climbs list.
A couple of queries:
- If we do the same climb more than once on different days, I suppose counting all those ascents towards our target total is out of the question....?

- In a couple of cases, most obviously nos. 57 'Burrow Road' and 60 'Burrow Road to Johnnie Fox's', one clmb is contained completely within the other. Having done no. 60 can I count 57 towards my total as well??

Roll on prizegiving night!

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5 years 4 months ago #29689 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Regarding your first question yes it is out of the question as you suspected :) Regarding your second question, certainly it counts for 2 climbs;)

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5 years 4 months ago #29690 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Questions worth clarifying Tom.

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5 years 4 months ago #29823 by Ken Moloney
Replied by Ken Moloney on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
A reminder that the 10th of May is the deadline for logging your April progress.
Check out the earlier posts for guidance on how to do that.

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5 years 4 months ago #29825 by George Flanagan
Replied by George Flanagan on topic The Leisure Challenges - 2019
Sorry Ken for the month of April I typed in meters instead of peaks, total for April is 8, can you adjust whenever you get a chance please. Thanks in advance,
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ken Moloney

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