Audaxers had a busy 2022. Notable highlights include...

Five hardy riders finished the Kings Mountain 200 on a snowy day in February. The Orwell 200 in March had a large entry, boosted by Leonard Kaye’s “newbies”.

Mike Hayden, Joe Fitz and Valerie Plant did the Easter Flèche on a 390km route visiting all 4 provinces in 24hrs. (This completed the Randonneur 5000 award for Val & Joe).

Abroad, Kashif Qayyum rode the Rando Imperator 600 in May. Danny Moriarty and Michael Frain dealt with a heatwave on London Edinburgh London (1500) in August. Danny went back to England for the Flattish ACME Grand (1000) in September (completing his Randonneur 10000).

The full year tally was about 35000km across 130+ rides:

  • 200km - 97
  • 300km - 9
  • 400km - 8
  • 600km - 7
  • Flèche - 3
  • 1000km - 1
  • 1500km - 2

Four Provinces Flèche Route 2022