
  • Burnt by the Sun

    Participants in this year's Marmotte faced temperatures nearing 50°C, leading to many dropouts along the way. Tom Weymes shares his struggle through the day, when many others would have given up far sooner, he battled on!

  • Parker's Peloton

    Coming in at under 2,000 words, this is one of Billy Parker's shorter novellas, but a worthy read nonetheless! He takes us through his multi-faceted Orwell experience of this year's Wicklow 200. Accompanying his written account is Eileen Byne's wonderful video composition. Have a read and a watch!

  • The 2014 Marmotte Story - Part II

    With talk turning to the Marmotte 2015, it's time to start publishing Garret Connolly's opus detailing the 2014 edition. 16 Orwell members tackled it, which is coincidentally nearly the number of pages in Garret's piece. We've published the first part already, here's the second!