
  • Stamullen strike by Collins

    Aidan Collins brought home the best results of the weekend for the club, with a 4th in the Stamullen GP on Sunday, and an unplaced prize on Friday. Odhrán Connors and Stephen Barry also featured in Stamullen, while the Orwell women were active in Nenagh, with a TTT win, and placings for Ciara Kinch and Monica Marconi.

  • Women's racing round-up

    In the last few weeks we've had two rounds of the Joe Daly Cycles National League, and three rounds of the Orwell Crit League. Orwell have been active throughout - with placers including Mary Brady, Orla Hendron, Ann Horan, Breda Horan, Monica Marconi, Aishling O'Connor and Sandra Telford. Results and race reports below!