Raid Pyrénéen

  • A self-reliant Raid

    After successfully topping the Leisure participation competition for 2015, Eugène Dillon was presented with his winner's jersey last Saturday night. Below, he recounts sealing the win with his independent attack on the Raid Pyrénéen.

  • Raid Pyrenean 2015

    Best of luck to the 25 Orwells heading off to tackle the Raid Pyrenean next Monday. With over 700km to cover in under 100 hours, over 18 cols and nearly 13,000 vertical metres!

  • Raid Pyrénéen 2005

    After taking us through the Marmotte, we've dug out another of Stephen McNally's narratives. With planning underway for a 2015 Raid Pyrénéen, this piece will make you want to head along if you don't already!

  • The Raider's Report

    As well as Eugène Dillon's audax ride, another 23 Orwells undertook the Raid Pyrénéen with the help of Marmot Tours. Siobhain Duggan stepped up to the challenge of trying to summarise the five days of cycling and cols, as well as the fun and camaraderie! Have a read below!