M Quigley

  • Burnt by the Sun

    Participants in this year's Marmotte faced temperatures nearing 50°C, leading to many dropouts along the way. Tom Weymes shares his struggle through the day, when many others would have given up far sooner, he battled on!

  • Leisure Cycling 2014 - Week 13

    A weekend with something for everybody in it. A very large contingent turned out to support the Joe Daly Memorial Cycle in aid of Simpsons hospital while others opted to test themselves against the Dragon in Enniscorthy and yet others still haven't had enough of the Wicklow Peaks.

  • Parker's Peloton

    Coming in at under 2,000 words, this is one of Billy Parker's shorter novellas, but a worthy read nonetheless! He takes us through his multi-faceted Orwell experience of this year's Wicklow 200. Accompanying his written account is Eileen Byne's wonderful video composition. Have a read and a watch!

  • Rebel Rebel

    As the more official leisure rides wind up for the year, it's fitting that our final report comes in from none other than Orwell's hard-working leisure rep himself, Stephen Ryan. He was blessed with fantastic weather, scenery and company for the Rebel Tour in the southwest, read on to see all the photo evidence alongside the account!