E Dillon

  • 2019 Philippe Gilbert Classic

    The alarm went off at half four in the morning, I had my porridge and hit the road, meeting Luke GJ outside his place at five. We cycled across the outskirts of Ghent. By the hill at the big art centre called “Vooruit”, there were loads of people stumbling across or along the road.....

  • A self-reliant Raid

    After successfully topping the Leisure participation competition for 2015, Eugène Dillon was presented with his winner's jersey last Saturday night. Below, he recounts sealing the win with his independent attack on the Raid Pyrénéen.

  • Dillon rides again!

    After his adventures last year in Belgium and the Netherlands, Eugène Dillon returned to tackle the same terrain from new angles. Take a read below!

    He's then back in action riding in the Amstel Gold this weekend. Best of luck from everyone in Orwell Eugène, have a great ride and enjoy the bants!

  • Dillon's Double

    Eugène Dillon, known for his love of Shimano Skil gear, has been sighted more and more often in his Orwell club colours, having the banter. Last weekend he completed an epic double on the continent, the Sean Kelly Classic in Belgium and the Ardennentrip in the Netherlands. His report is below, but be warned - we might have a challenge for Billy Parker's most verbose title!

  • Five minutes with... Eugène Dillon

    Eugène Dillon won the Orwell leisure league by taking part in over 40 events in 2015 and accumulating over 130 points. Easily the most prolific Sportif rider in 2015 and quite possible set a record on number of events done that will never be equaled!

  • Good luck for Paris-Roubaix

    Good luck to those taking part in the Paris-Roubaix Challenge this weekend!

  • Good luck in Flanders!

    Good luck to the Flandriens! Click through to see Eileen Byrne's bon voyage poster!

  • Joe Loughman Randonée

    Just when you think the season is over, Eamonn Eaton makes another foray into the world of leisure cycling - this time to Bray and the Joe Loughman. Take a read of his account of the day below!

  • Leisure Cycling 2014 - Week 13

    A weekend with something for everybody in it. A very large contingent turned out to support the Joe Daly Memorial Cycle in aid of Simpsons hospital while others opted to test themselves against the Dragon in Enniscorthy and yet others still haven't had enough of the Wicklow Peaks.

  • Leisure Cycling 2014 – Week 12

    Twenty six Orwells were out on the circuits last weekend, to the South for Míle Fáilte, to the West for Tour de Burren, to the North for Swords McNally CC sportive and to the East for L'Eroica Britannia. While we wait for a report on Dave Mc's epic 1,200k ramble through the countryside here are three reports by first time writer Breda Horan and first time particpants and writers Matt Williams and Marcus Esser.

  • Rebel Rebel

    As the more official leisure rides wind up for the year, it's fitting that our final report comes in from none other than Orwell's hard-working leisure rep himself, Stephen Ryan. He was blessed with fantastic weather, scenery and company for the Rebel Tour in the southwest, read on to see all the photo evidence alongside the account!